#hivepizzaUnmoderated tagAll postsTrending CommunitiesLeoFinanceWorldmappinHIVE CN 中文社区VibesLifestyleActifitOlio di BalenaFamily & FriendsPhotography LoversSplinterlandsLiketuHive LearnersExplore Communities...#hivepizzaTrendingHotNewPayoutsMuteddiochen (69)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 2 days ago漫步職人市集 / Strolling Through the Craftsmen’s Market您們是否有錢不夠用,想開創副業的想法,我相信,很多人都有過類似的想法,想用自己工作之餘的時間,開創自己的副業,時代不同了,人們不想被一份工作綁死,想把自己的時間用來做更有趣的事情,假如能賺錢的話,更好不過了,我有個朋友,本來就對手做物品很有興趣,她的手很巧,常常可以化腐朽而神奇,用一些不用的廢物,做成一件有巧思的實用物,如小零錢包等,我們常常鼓勵她出來創業,ahmadmanga (73)in STEMGeeks • 2 days agoDevlog: Youtube Transcript and Summary Python CodeDisclaimer: This devlog was partly generated by AI. Of course, I've gone over it for accuracy and personality. Devlog: Creating a YouTube Summarizer Using NanoGPT…vrezyy (72)in Splinterlands • yesterdayBattle from the Past (#12): FORCEFIELDEach team using one FORCEFIELD unitvaynard86 (72)in Splinterlands • 2 hours agoPIZZA 2 Brawl Report - 30 Dec 2024Greetings to all, hope you had a good Christmas and we have come to the end of the last brawl of 2024. We had so many amazing brawls throughout the year and it is time to look at…diochen (69)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 3 days ago漫步英倫風的夢廣場 / Strolling Through the British-Themed Dream Plaza早在11月時,我就聽說今年統一集團的年度盛事是,打算聯袂統一集團各大通路呈現英倫風的耶誕氛圍,該集團的年度活動「愛.Sharing」,每年都會會選定一個主題城市,帶來當地的耶誕魅力,之前有浪漫的巴黎、絢爛的紐約、時尚的米蘭等,每次活動都得到不錯的回響,我想,今年也是不例外,於是,我就找了某天過去看看。 夢廣場位於台北時代百貨的二樓,也是我之前找到…kqaosphreak (69)in Actifit • 16 hours agoMy Actifit Report Card: December 29 2024Today was all about the house again. After the morning stretches, did some dishes, followed by some cleaning. Then, worked on the car again, did some cooking. After that, the…relf87 (73)in Splinterlands • yesterdayHow Did 2024 Turn Out?How Did 2024 Turn Out?olaf.gui (70)in Splinterlands • 12 hours agoBattle of the Day #99Welcome to my new daily content: the battle of the day! The battle: This is a ranked Diamond match. The game has the following rule sets: Stampede, Aimless, and…olaf.gui (70)in Splinterlands • yesterdayBattle of the Day #98Welcome to my new daily content: the battle of the day! The battle: This is a ranked Diamond match. The game has the following rule sets: High Five, Even Stevens, and…ahmadmanga (73)in Hive Gaming • yesterdayLet's Play "Deadlight: Director's Cut" - Part 4: The Rat's Den▶️ Watch on 3Speak Deadlight: Director's Cut is a cinematic side-scroller with survival horror plot and 2.5D action platformer gameplay. The story is set in Seattle…vrezyy (72)in Splinterlands • 3 days agoSocial Media Challenge || Chaos GolemChaos Golem needs PIERCING to perfect its abilitiesolaf.gui (70)in Splinterlands • 4 days agoSplinterlands Social Media Challenge - Another bad rule set combinationMy second entry for this week's Splinterlands Social Media Challenge with a battle in Modern Diamond Ranked.diochen (69)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 5 days ago聖誕劇遙想 / Reflecting on Christmas Plays當我看歐美聖誕電影時,每到了聖誕期間,很多電影常常有演聖誕劇的橋段,可能是以戲劇表演的形式呈現,而歐美的兒童好像也習以為常,我記得我學生時代,也沒有聽過有類似聖誕劇的活動,不過,舞會之類的活動倒是蠻多的,我身邊只有很少數會常上教會的朋友,但他們在聖誕節期間,他們幾乎不會提到聖誕劇表演,反而會邀請朋友們參加交換禮物的活動,只有一些孩子在雙語學教就讀的朋友,會被vrezyy (72)in Splinterlands • 5 days agoSocial Media Challenge || Endura BruneEndura Brune, Debuffer that will be OP when there is no Melee units in Arenarelf87 (73)in Splinterlands • 5 days agoGuild Brawls With Pizza 2 - Santa Gave Me Free Wins!Guild Brawls With Pizza 2 - Santa Gave Me Free Wins!olaf.gui (70)in Splinterlands • 2 days agoBattle of the Day #97Welcome to my new daily content: the battle of the day! The battle: This is a ranked Diamond match. The game has the following rule sets: Noxious Fumes, Might Makes…kqaosphreak (69)in Actifit • 2 days agoMy Actifit Report Card: December 27 2024Today was pretty busy getting things done around the house. Especially with making twenty burritos, there was a lot of activity involved in it! Then I got packing up some boxes…olaf.gui (70)in Splinterlands • 5 days agoSplinterlands Social Media Challenge - Need for SpeedMy first entry for this week's Splinterlands Social Media Challenge with a battle in Modern Diamond Ranked.diochen (69)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 6 days ago夜遊耶誕城 / A Night Stroll at Christmasland因為我家住的距離板橋有段距離,加上,常常聽人說,只要新北耶誕城一開放,附近周邊道路都是人潮,雖然我也沒有在怕的,但是潛意識還是會避免去那一帶,但是,耶誕城會有那麼多人潮是有它的原因的,因為,那一帶以其燦爛的燈飾與歡樂的氛圍,每一年總是吸引無數遊客慕名前去,我也常聽我住在板橋一帶的朋友抱怨,人潮影響當地人的生活品質,所以,基本上,我並不會想去。…kqaosphreak (69)in Actifit • yesterdayMy Actifit Report Card: December 28 2024I am still doing well on vacation, still in keeping the activity going forward. I started the day with some stretching followed by the morning coffee, along with putting dishes…