
That's your personal perception then. If you need such words to express yourself, combined with the word helpless in the title then maybe you didn't choose the right job. If you enter debate, you need to deal with rebound. If you can't manage it, then maybe you should let other people do the communication instead. Accusing and exposing others in public the way you've just done tells a long story about your professionality and self-confidence. Crossing my fingers for you :-) My airplane's ready for boarding! Have a good time

I feel helpless because no matter how much spam I stop I got to deal with people talking trash like you while everyone has their head in the sand and nothing changes. This platform is going to die if the amount of garbage produced and rewarded continues to grow like it does. The elevated SBD price just makes it even worse and accelerates our fate.

I didn't expose anything, it's a public blockchain and I just made people aware of the thankless condescending nonsense I deal with on a daily basis while spending hours daily trying to stop abuse.

I see you mention accusation a lot, yet only accusations I see are yours but feel free to clarify that if I am wrong.

Let go and move on, it's healthier. I do the same.