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RE: Just another day on Steemit, why I feel helpless.

in #trending7 years ago

If I slept I wouldn't have changed it and I was frustrated because you have been a dick to me repeatedly this week. Then you tell me "don't be jealous" and that your 10K posts in 1.5 years is somehow a bigger deal then my 3K in 6 months. But if I work as hard as you do, "someday you can go on vacation too". No account of the thousands I do under @buildawhale rewarding people who actually produce quality content. 6 months without fail I have produced a daily Curation Digest thanks to my curation team going through hundreds of posts a day to find five good posts and featuring them daily.

How's that powering down treating you?


I don't know why you are so aggressive against me and always need to use words such as dick just for me having a different opinion than yours.

How's that powering down treating you?

Very good. I've just bought a piece of land with my Steem :-) I even did a video about it which became my most successful blog post so far. Quite a milestone both in reality and on the blockchain:

Maybe one day you will learn that different people have different opinions and that in business you can't take things so personally... All the best for you!

Difference of opinion is a discussion.

You were rude, snarky, and condescending. Hense dick.

That's your personal perception then. If you need such words to express yourself, combined with the word helpless in the title then maybe you didn't choose the right job. If you enter debate, you need to deal with rebound. If you can't manage it, then maybe you should let other people do the communication instead. Accusing and exposing others in public the way you've just done tells a long story about your professionality and self-confidence. Crossing my fingers for you :-) My airplane's ready for boarding! Have a good time

I feel helpless because no matter how much spam I stop I got to deal with people talking trash like you while everyone has their head in the sand and nothing changes. This platform is going to die if the amount of garbage produced and rewarded continues to grow like it does. The elevated SBD price just makes it even worse and accelerates our fate.

I didn't expose anything, it's a public blockchain and I just made people aware of the thankless condescending nonsense I deal with on a daily basis while spending hours daily trying to stop abuse.

I see you mention accusation a lot, yet only accusations I see are yours but feel free to clarify that if I am wrong.

Let go and move on, it's healthier. I do the same.

I won't be getting that job at the UN peace corp then............:-(

Where's that peace loving @aggroed when you need him

Did you really just call her "dick" here? Boy this is proof of brain.
Edit: Sry, but using such words really makes me angry. Can't we handle this in another way?

Yes, yes I did. Rightly so if you saw the comments made to me.

There is no "rightly" in calling someone a dick. That is literally a punch below the belt. ^^

@surfermarly you know I love you! Dear @themarkymark, I respect you! At the moment both of you are losing their respect. We all are humans.

Take a look on your post @themarkymark... how would you feel about being exposed in this way in a Trending-post like you did it with her?

Both of you: read your posts and comments and ask yourself, if you want to be treated that way yourself.

THEN come together again for talking.

We are a community. There is no right or wrong. Noone is "righter" than someone else. And Trending-posts don´t reflect the opinions of most of the users of Steemit. In fact I believe most of the "avarage users" are shitting their pants, when they think about giving their opinion on a controversial Trending-post.

Make peace!

Maybe you could find a solution for the topic then.

I call it as I see it. We are all grown-ups here, if calling someone a dick for being a jerk is too much, then I think this might be too grown-up for some people.

I mean, this is totally mature.

I would think you would have three times the post as me when you have been here three times longer and comment non-stop. I guess that's an important metric so I'll try to contain my jealousy.

I'm trying to stop the abuse, something I see very few doing and I got to deal with this every day.

It's what I tried to say!! Stop fighting!!! Again you expose her. You already mentioned that she had said this. What's the point? The point is you are pissed.

But somewhere underneath this there are topics that need to be discussed in a grown-up way. I also spoke to @surfermarly in this comment by the way. I think both of you need to calm down. (What will be even more difficult with exposing her again). Please stop. Maybe both of you are a bit tired. And maybe kids aren't little grown-ups, but grown-ups are little kids? I act like one often enough myself.


He doesn' expose me, he's exposing himself. I don't care so you shouldn't either :-) Move one! Have fun! :-*

Posting private conversations definetely is wrong. Posting your comment was wrong. Calling you a dick was wrong. You didn't do anything like that with him. I guess you haven't heard a "Sorry" yet?

I move on. But I am not sure anymore that Steemit is a place where I can have fun. I am not even sure anymore, if it's a place worth fighting for.

Maybe I will look for a community that hasn't got a Trending Page telling everybody how easy becoming rich is. You just have to create good content. Or bots. Or circle-vote-systems.

Hey!!! Idea!!! A platform where voting-bots can vote for the best voting-bot!!! That would be a great new application!

Investors can give them bot-power. Those with the most bot-power have the votes with the highest weights. Investors also are allowed to create their own bots. So you can never be sure, what's bot and what's investor. This will lead to circle-vote-systems with several bots around one or more investors and bots being investors. The Trending Page of this new application called "Botit" will be full with this. Small bots will be almost invisible. But the big bots won't care. They will tell the small bots "the system is fair, because it's open and free. You just have to be smarter than the big bots/investors. Just try to grow over years and reinvest everything you earn into bot-power. Then maybe you have a chance to be on Trending some day too!"

lol - don't go down on that level of conversation, you really don't have to...:-) Let him call people names if this is where he feels safe at. I have really no problem with that. It's his way, not ours.

To be fair reading what you wrote, I can understand him feeling unjustifiably attacked. I don't blame him for coming out swinging.

In China a sack of rice just fell over btw.

So I googled this random and bizarre message.

Turns out it is not machine generated but in fact a phrase in German that means "I don't care".

No idea on earth why ...

"Das interssiert mich so sehr wie wenn ein Sack Reis irgendwo in China umfällt."

... is easier to say than "don't care" but whatevs.

So essentially Ms Marly is saying she doesn't care that she wasn't nice to Marky.

Take that as you will ...