Electronic Component Distributor

in #trending7 years ago

Hello steemit, I am Rob owner of IC Digital Electronics Inc.,

IC Digital Electronics Inc. is an independent stocking distributor of electronic components and computer peripherals. We stock thousands of Obsolete Electronic Components, LCD Displays, Semiconductors, Military Components, Integrated Circuits, Transistors & Capacitors, Connectors, Switches, Relays, CPU's & Hard Drives.

Our vast network of reliable Domestic/International Suppliers & OEM Excess Inventories, enables us to locate Hard to Find & Obsolete Electronic Components throughout the world. With over 25 years of experience in locating and distributing Hard to Find, Obsolete, and Allocated Electronic Components, we should be your first resource for all your Electronic Component needs.

      Military Components

      Commercial Components

      Industrial Components

      Discontinued Components

      Obsolete Components

Our sales staff will respond to your request as soon as possible. You will be assigned a personal sales representative to assist you with all your transactions with us. You can expect Fast Quotes and very Competitive Prices from IC Digital Electronics Inc.

  Call Us Now at 631-569-2339

  Email Us at    sales@icdigitalelectronics.com

Hi welcome to steemit family :)

thank you!!