My Daily Blog Game #1. 5 Best Games with Exceptional Dystopia Concepts

in #trending7 years ago (edited)


Game is one of the most popular entertainment media and liked by various circles ranging from small children to adults. From year to year, game developments increasingly lure gamers, from gameplay, graphics and even the concept of the game itself is often the main attraction of the game.

Speaking of game concepts, this time Jaka will discuss some games that use the concept of dystopia in it. For those of you who have not understood, the concept of dystopia is a concept that draws a dreadful or worse future from the present. Curious? Immediately aja refer to this discussion.

1. BioShock™

BioShock ™ is a game that offers elements of dystopia where you will be brought into an underwater city called Rapture. Inside the city you will meet a community of maniacs or Splicer who is mentally insane and happy to kill other humans who are still sane.

Of course, because you act as immigrant characters, you have no choice but to survive by using various weapons and in any way.

2. Chrono Trigger

Chrono Trigger is an RPG genre game with Dystopia concept where you will be brought into a world full of monsters, unfeeling robots and magic and you will see how poor people have to struggle to survive in a very cruel world.

Environmental conditions in this game is also deliberately made to look bleak with the effects of fog that covers the mainland. You yourself will drive a time-traveling group that seeks to prevent a global scale disaster.

3. Phantasy Star II

Phantasy Star 2 is a PRG game that offers the concept of dystopia chaos in which you will move a group to adventure on the planet Motavia is on the verge of collapse with the return of Dark Falz and a computer system called Mother Brain who is manipulated by someone who is very evil for his own benefit.

Horrific events began to occur since then from the rising number of monsters, the explosions that drowned the area on the planet and the collision of satellites that all led to Mother Brain's plan to destroy the Algol star system, the place where the Motavian planet orbits.

4. Fire Emblem Awakening

Just like any other Fire Emblem game, Fire Emblem Awakening still tells the world of dystopia where humans are at war with each other for some reason. The past battle between Shepherd's group representing Ylisse against the Plegia bands won by Shepherd ultimately brings peace to the world in vain after the Walhart emperor of Valm invaded Ylisse.

Wars involving thieves, sorcerers, knights and the like are inevitable in order to reflect power and an object called the Fire Emblem.

5. Half-Life 2

If other dystopia games take the elements of war, social chaos and so on, then Half Life 2 game presents a more terrible dystopia again. In this game you will see a world that has been dominated by multidimensional aliens named Combine who do various cruel things in humans such as biological assimilation of humans and animals and deliberately preventing humans to breed in certain ways.

You here will portray a man named Gordon who joins the resistance movement to take control of their home and drive the cruel aliens off the face of the earth.

That was the best 5 games with amazing dystopia concept. Hopefully useful and good luck.

Finally, see you later and make sure you leave a trail in the comments field and share this article to your friends.

Follow me @cekblack


Half life was sweet....i spent many days off school trying to finnish that game!

I love Bioshock, is in my top 5 list of favorite videogames ever!