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RE: Live Oak and Spanish Moss for Tree Tuesday

in #treetuesday7 years ago

Thanks @amberyooper! Yes, #treetuesday is a weekly theme, just like the color challenges, etc. I can't remember them all, but I know about #monochromemonday, #treetuesday, #beachwednesday, #sunthursday and #lovefriday. I know I saw a list of other themes and challenges somewhere but I can't recall. I should have resteemed it to use as a reference!!!


That's pretty cool! I'll have to remember that.
I could do treetuesday and beachwednesday.

I really enjoy the challenges and prompts on here because it gets my wheels turning and makes me dig for photos that apply to each one. I'll try my best to remember where I came across the list of challenges and I'll resteem if I have any luck!