Tree Tuesday: Baobab, a weird tree

I've only gone​ to Africa once in my life and probably that's why I got so impressed with baobab trees (Adansonia digitata), they're unique and very distinctive​!

This can be one of the weirdest trees on Earth!!


I got so fascinated that I took several photos


This is my favorite!!


Some details...


and the flower

(sorry, it wasn't fresh)

They also barely survive in the city


TreeTuesday tag was launched by @old-guy-photos and it's a great idea to share some of our most special trees photos or short stories!

Please do not forget to check the other daily photography challenges:


I posted a cousin of the BAOBAB on tuesday called a ceiba and it is massive. Go see it? Let's exchange sotries. I am following you now. !!

Thank you so much!! I'm very interested in your stories about planting trees to solve climate change!!

I always loved those trees!
They are rare and from what I saw in your post can only thrive near water :o
Excellent photos ! Loved them

The photos "close to water" don't reflect their need of moist​ soils. I didn't get that impression. Besides that, ​I heard this plant storages lots of water in its trunk which reminds me a cactus!! Ahah ;)

OOOOH so that's why the trunk its so big :o

Probably ;) Ahah

The last picture is very... well... interesting we can say ^^

It reflects​ how unrespectful these people are to the tree!! It deserved a photo, it can't be only beautiful​ places!! ;)

I agree. It is important to show both pluses and minuses :)

Supoño que nunca poderei facelo (ainda que quero intentar)... digo tocar un #baobab.
O nome soame ó seu aspecto. Árbore barriguda, ¡Baobab!
Grazas por partillar.

Ou a árvore que tem as raízes viradas para cima! É mesmo estranha! Não é preciso agradecer! ;)


Lovely pictures!

I'd love to hug it and stay near it for hours:)

Me too, I didn't have that chance...hope I can repeat it one day!! Thanks for dropping by! :)

Wow. That is a pretty neat tree. I have never seen one in real life, they do not grow here in the US. But Disney has a really cool man made baobab tree at one of their parks here in Florida.

Beautiful tree dear friend @ liliana.duarte congratulations for these beautiful pictures, thank you very much for this gift
Have a nice day

Thank you!! Have a nice day as well!! :))

I've never seen one like this big tree in my life..

Nice story also..

They are pretty fascinating!! Thanks!!