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RE: Gale Wind Of Change

in #trees6 years ago

We must be on the same wavelength, @adetorrent! I woke up this morning thinking about this very thing -- how much I love trees and how critical they are to the health of the planet. Weird. I have no idea how or why those thoughts came into my head. Are you messing with my mind??

But seriously, I am glad to hear about the initiatives to replant trees. That was one of the things I was thinking about. What if I was wealthy and could quit my job and create a giant tree farm to start seedlings and distribute them everywhere. That is literally the thing I was musing about as I made coffee. Such a daydreamer!


Ah. A lot of people have been thinking about trees lately. Maybe there's some kind of collective consciousness going on. Maybe the trees have figured out how to communicate with us and are giving out an SOS vibe that we are tapping into (woo woo alert!) . :)

That's a pretty good daydream though :)

I like that. An SOS vibe! Maybe we will actually tune in and do something about it. Have you heard of

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No I had never heard of that. Looks interesting. Something to check out over my next coffee :)