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RE: A day trip to Chernobyl - Video Montage

in #travl7 years ago

Yes and thanks your answers are perfect. I will go back and read your post. Sorry I did not see the reference to it previously.

I thought there might be places that were off limits but I also thought that perhaps things had cooled down to the point where you could go in for a limited time. It makes you wonder about all of those pacific islands where the US and others exploded atomic bombs when testing. They must be off limits for the next 200 hundred years.

Yes there is an eerie feeling I can even see in your video especially the kindergarten.

You know the reactor in Fukushima has had a similar fallout I am told but they have downplayed it so much because Japan does not want the negative press. There is still radiation leaking even today. From what I read it is leaking into the ocean and contaminating marine life that goes around the world. They do not expect containment for at least another year.

This is the difference I think between the West and the East. In the east, they deal with things and in the West they make believe it is not an issue and let people right back into the area. Then when people die they blame it on something else.

Thanks and I am following you to see more of what you are up to my friend. Have a wonderful rest of the weekend.