Hah still noo face :/ Sooo why does your hubby know the town well? Is he from Netherlands? I totally enjoy ur pics btw, do you do any postprocessing on them or are they straight from the camera?
Haha soo my imagination to that weird statue is that the person has some infection down there and it's superpainful so his/her life is totally upside down cuz of it...and the red part is actually the bacteria cell under the microscope :D
What kind of face do you want to see? :D
Yes, he is Dutch. His parents are from Indonesia but they moved to the Netherlands before he was born. They had to leave Indonesia as they had Dutch passports.. And no, he is not the reason why I speak Dutch :D I studied Dutch in Belgium before I met him. Just a coincidence :)
I'm using Lightroom and I love it. I don't do too much editing as I like the natural look. Usually I edit a little bit of light here and there (when it's too dark for my liking) or adjust a little bit of shadows, but not much. Are you looking for some software to edit your photos?
Hahaha, I like your interpretation :D If that bacteria looks like this, then it indeed must be very painful :D
Congratulations on the 3rd place in curie comment contest!! Well done!! :) I was happy to see your name there ;)
What did u study? Hah my favorite colleague is Dutch...and with colleagues, it's almost as a marriage :D I don't speak Dutch yet tho :D
Hmm nope, not really. I'm just surprised how many people do postprocessing. Dunno, I wouldnt have time for it. I mean..I could make it, but don't want to..I already spend here more time than I'd like to haha :D Also, lightroom is not available for Linux :D
Oh wow, it's out already!? Nicee...but I wanted to be 2nd tho! :D
I studied Dutch in Belgium. I was preparing to finish my master but then the situation changed and I had to return to Prague after a year. I was studying Dutch to finish my education in Dutch as English didn't seem challenging enough for me :D
Lucky you! It's good to have great colleagues!
It depends on how you want to present your photos. I spend just a couple of seconds on each photo but then I'm happy about them. Sometimes the outside conditions don't allow you to capture the exact moment but you can get what you want with slight editing..
First week and you wanted to be second? :D I hope you'll make it this week :) Or are you aiming higher? :D
Hah I'd love to be first just cuz of my stupid ever-present competitivness :D But I'll try to resist the urge :D Also, I'm Flying to krakow and then Slovakia this week sooo not sure if i'll have time :D I guess 2nd is the goal for now :)
Haha I love how you just chosen Dutch over English cuz of challenge! Right approach IMO :)
Hahaha, no worries, my dad will be coming next week for 4 days and the week after I won't be online either as we're planning a trip (no idea where we go, but we do go :D )
Are you attending the Steemfest or are you just going to meet a few people there? I wanted to go this year but this week I have two important doctors appointments so it was not possible..
I love languages and that was a great opportunity to speak a language that none of my friends or family speak. Even now I'm getting strange looks when people realize that I'm from Slovakia. How come that you speak Dutch!? :D
Have fun at home! Next time I'll be going will be right before Christmas :)