
0.39183750 TRDO0.26122500 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!Congratulations @johannpiber, you are successfuly trended the post that shared by @qwerrie! @qwerrie will receive & @johannpiber will get

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Thanks a lot :)

thank you. watching it alltogether I am not too happy (wouldnt they look better if they were all the same colour grade, no?) but maybe its poor light to blame... not my poor raw editing skills :)

but actually me thinks the beer warehouse didnt open its doors for us, yet...

These were the first snow photos I have seen this year and I like the red fruits with the white cover most. Too dark? I don't mind 🙂You're welcome @qwerrie 🙂

There's a lot going on with the !BEER and they are adding some additional features. Maybe there's just no commenting anymore, but this confuses a bit, I think.