howdy again this fine Friday delishtreats! yes that Neuschwanstein Castle! that's what I want to see, that's my dream home but of course I would accept a little smaller version but what the views must be like from that thing!!!<?>? wow.
yes please please please please go there and do a post or it might take several to do it justice.
Okay so you used to work in a boring office and told them to shove it, I'm outta here! and at the moment you can just travel around and cost is not issue? so in addition to living in the most beautiful country in the world producing world class posts you also are wealthy enough that you don't have to work???
and here I felt bad for you because you had a sore arm! lol. poor baby!
I'll go there asap!
Do you always jump into conclusions without knowing all the facts? Hahaha
The story is a little bit different but I could only tell you on discord 😉
And it still hurts! So I am a poor baby!
poor thing! with your wealth why don't you just hire someone to do your posts for you? ahaha!
I love jumping to conclusions, that gives you something intelligent to say back to me in correcting me. that way I'll always be impressed with your vast knowledge!
That is a great idea! But you know in my residence I only have a room for butler, cleaning lady, personal chef, personal trainer and my chauffer! Will have to get a new residence first! 🤣
hahaha! love it! and get a guess house because I like a little privacy when I come visit! lol!
Your wish is my command! Lol!