It would be pretty cool huh? I reckon Russia needs some Aussie inside of her...Umm, that didn't come out as well in writing as it sounded in my head. 🤣
Posted using Partiko Android
It would be pretty cool huh? I reckon Russia needs some Aussie inside of her...Umm, that didn't come out as well in writing as it sounded in my head. 🤣
Posted using Partiko Android
Hahahaha! Why does this keep happening to us? Last time it was STDs.
Posted using Partiko Android
I don't know...Must be you...In real life I'm a smooth mofo, here, not so much. 😂
Posted using Partiko Android
I refuse to believe it's my fault! It has to be you. 😂
Posted using Partiko Android
Well, let's just say you're to blame and call it even huh?
Posted using Partiko Android
That sounds fair.
Posted using Partiko Android
Probably not fair...😅
Posted using Partiko Android