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RE: Caveman Shopper Showstopper

in #travelfeed6 years ago

Boy, howdy! Now that was an exciting moment or three! This was that amazing experience, especially for 1 who has never been in the bush, or any place close to it. The only baboon I have ever seen has been at a zoo and I actually have no trouble believing in their skills because they really cause a ruckus behind the fence. Having said that oh, I don't like to see animals caged up, but I can honestly say that a baboon on the loose needs to be filmed. They are expert little Bandits with absolutely no thoughts on getting caught!

As always your are always so well thought out and written and the subjects that you use are always interesting and never have any problem keeping my attention. I always want more more more! Thank you for the awesome pictures and for taking your brother along and getting the picture of the Rinkhal! I believe you and give you a wide berth to most snakes, poisonous or not, and admire your brother for risking life and limb. Literally. That would be enough to Spook me out of the Tall Grass to see a head coming out! But he has a breve sister also LOL and I don't care if it's poisonous or not. Thank you so much for you are amazing writing and subjects!

Upped and steemed



Scared of walking into either of the above Denise, don't go out on long hikes like I used to. Hikes are not the problem now they come right up to the houses, keep ones wits never take anything for granted LOL.

Thanks for visit, support and kind comment @dswigle