ok!!!! i'm so excited youre going to try it! it's so easy and delicious! she has three recipes on her site, so choose whichever one you like :) Here is one...https://www.maangchi.com/recipe/napa-cabbage-kimchi and here is the "easy recipe" https://www.maangchi.com/recipe/easy-kimchi
I did the easy! and.... also - it has a video!!! :)
oh my goodness - i want to make some now! hahahahaha I will see my sister when we go on vacation, and she asked me to make some for her!!! I better make a jar for her and a jar for me! :)
also - i bought a very large container... It's really a clear plastic storage container hahahaha but it is the perfect size for my kimchi without making a mess! i highly recommend you get one
i only use it for kimchi! hahahaha when its done - i transfer it to a 2 gallon glass jar. but to mix it - oh so nice to do it in a big container. i think it's a 16 quart sterilite container with a lid hehehehe it works!!!!