You’re posting stolen content which is not yours. The Travelfeed terms of use clearly state
Actions we do not tolerate and will get you banned from our website and/or dApp:
- Theft (such as posting content you do not have permission to post);
You control additional accounts like @ammar3, @ammar2, and @ammar1 which have likewise been caught plagiarizing content in the past and blacklisted from various contests and communities on Steem.
You’re now using @ammar3 as a “sock puppet” to legitimize your post by replying to yourself and casting me as the one in the wrong.
I will downvote every post you make that does not properly credit the websites you are stealing the images and text from.
Fair enough. On closer look you may just be @ammar1, @ammar3, @ammarfaheem, and @izhanfaheem. Possibly family sharing accounts I understand.
But you’re all posting content that is not your own. The @ammar3 just had a $7.37 payout post that duplicated content @ammar1 had already stolen 2 years ago!
If you continue to do this I will continue to downvote. And I promise the next time I downvote I’ll gladly notify @steemcleaners about it myself.