"the most unrestrained" country in the Middle East! Women do not wear robes and short skirts, and police officers are no exception.

in #travelfeed5 years ago


Middle East, many people have the first impressions of war, desert, oil, and black robes. In addition, women in many countries in the Middle East are in very low status. When they go out, they must wear black robes and face towels to cover their faces. eye. However, there is a country called Lebanon on the Mediterranean coast that is very different. Because Lebanon was a French colony, it is deeply influenced by Western culture, so the mind is relatively open. On the streets of Lebanon, seldom see women wrapped in black robes, instead girls are dressed in fashion



It is worth mentioning that Lebanon is a country full of beautiful women. Most of the women here are exquisite, full-bodied and very qualified. The local government promotes the development of local tourism in order to attract more tourists. It is also required that the policewoman should wear shorts or miniskirts while on duty. Is it really different? Shouldn’t they be dressed as public servants? It is also because of this that the country’s openness is manifested. At the same time, the beautiful dress of the Lebanese police officers has become a very beautiful landscape on the street, which has greatly promoted the local tourism industry.


In fact, there has been a wave of public opinion about the Lebanese policewoman wearing shorts, and everyone’s views are different. Some people questioned that this was not appropriate, and some people praised them as the most beautiful policewoman in the world. Some people even spit out why the policewoman only wears shorts, and the male policeman still wears long pants, which is obviously a kind of gender discrimination. The city mayor has made a clear response to various disputes on the Internet. He said: We want to make a big news every year, attract global media attention, and attract Lebanese nationals and foreigners to travel to Brumana. . This is a kind of beauty, and everyone who loves beauty has it.

In addition, the capital of Lebanon, Beirut, is also known as “Paris in the Middle East”. This is a country with a long history. It still retains many historical monuments, so the tourism industry is very developed. One of the iconic attractions of Pigeon Rock Beirut, it consists of two stones standing on the Mediterranean Sea at the edge of the city. The rocks are wavy stripes formed by sea water, one of which is shaped like an arch. The rising rock is just like the crowning touch on the open sea, which makes the scenery in front of it three-dimensional, especially when the sun sets, the outline of the rock reflects the quiet beauty of the Mediterranean. Next to it is the coastal promenade, with a blue Mediterranean Sea on one side and Beirut downtown on the other.


In short, the world has been constantly changing. Once upon a time, jeans were considered indecent dresses? The above is the entire content of the article, I do not know how you feel?