Oh my goodness, when you told me about this post, I wasn't expecting them to be beautiful mini wooden church replicas! They are just darling...
I can't believe the originals were built using no metal nails! Thank you so much for capturing the original church in Ruský Potok, I was curious to see what that looked like. I do prefer it to the new church, they are so...different...from anything I've ever seen!
I knew you would like them! 🤩
These replicas are so cute! It's a pity there are just a few originals left. When I'm next time in Slovakia I'll try to go inside of a wooden church and take some photos. They are lovely! So different to new churches!
Those builders were brilliant! These churches are 300 years old, with no metal nails and surviving harsh winters easily...
Thank you for your support Lyndsay! 😘