China’s most iconic ancient buildings only show up once a year. At other times, they all sink into the water.

in #travel7 years ago

When the Poyang Lake continues to exceed the warning level, the base of the star-falling Star Base at the time will be flooded, and the observation deck, ancient towers, archways, and Buddhist temples will all be immersed in water. The picture shows the falling star pier immersed in water. In the flood season every year, the Star Piers are submerged in the lake water, and in the dry season, the Star Piers will be revealed.(當鄱陽湖持續超警戒水位時,坐落在次的古蹟落星墩基座就會被淹,觀景台、古塔、牌坊、禪院等建築全都浸在水中。圖為浸在水中的落星墩。每年汛期時落星墩就被淹沒在湖水中,而到了枯水期,落星墩就會顯露出來。)
Falling Star Pier, also known as Luoxing Stone, also known as Dexing Mountain, is located in the center of Erli Lake, Ziyangdi Lake, Shaoshan City. It is a landmark building and symbolic cultural relics in Shaoshan City.(落星墩又名落星石,亦稱德星山,位於廬山市紫陽堤南二里湖中心,是廬山市地標性建築和象徵性文物古蹟。)
It is a small stone island, high number of feet, vertical and horizontal weeks back about one hundred steps, the total area of only 1800 square meters, and Hugu County Dagushan (aka shoes mountain) echoes.(它是一座小石島,高數丈,縱橫週回大約一百餘步,總面積不過1800平方米,與湖口縣大孤山(又名鞋山)遙相呼應。)
Falling star piers look like star fighters floating on the surface. The legend is that the stars have fallen from Poyang Lake and they have changed their names. If you want to watch at close range, you can only take a boat or wait for a dry period.(落星墩形如星斗乍看像是浮在水面,傳說是星星落入鄱陽湖中變化而來,因而得名落星墩。要想近距離觀看的話就只能乘船,或者等待枯水期。)
The picture above shows the falling star piers immersed in water; the following picture shows the star piers during the dry season. During the Five Dynasties, Luoxingdun was sealed as a gemstone hill, and the pavilion was built on it at the beginning of the Song Dynasty.(上圖為浸在水中的落星墩;下圖為枯水期的落星墩。五代時,落星墩被封為寶石山,宋初曾在其上建亭院,歷代都加以維修。)
In the Ming Dynasty, pavilions and pavilions, such as Fuyu Tower, Yujingxuan, Gangxuanxuan, and Qinghui Pavilion, were added to the building because they survived the vicissitudes of life. After the birth of bamboo, pier is still elegant and beautiful.(明代又加建亭台樓閣,如浮玉樓、玉京軒、崗漪軒、清暉閣等,由於歷盡滄桑殘存無已。後上生竹木,墩境依舊幽雅秀麗。)
With the rapid decline of the water level, Poyang Lake has entered the dry season. A thousand-year-old Shidao Island in the city of Shaoshan has been resurrected to reflect its original appearance.(隨著水位迅速下降,鄱陽湖進入枯水期,廬山市的一座千年石島,落星墩重現天日,露出了它本來面目。)
The area near Luoxing Pier is still muddy. From afar, it looks like an ancient battlefield. As the lake recedes, it will soon become a grassland.(落星墩附近區域還是一片泥濘,遠遠望去像古戰場一樣,隨著湖水退去,這裡很快就會變成草洲。)
Don't look at the Star Star Pier soaked in water for a long time, but the preservation is still in good condition, which makes people lament the construction techniques of the ancients. Perhaps because Poyang Lake is in love with this ancient building, even if it is submerged it will not destroy it in the slightest.(別看落星墩長期浸泡在水中,但是保存的還算完好,讓人感嘆古人的建造技術。或許是因為鄱陽湖鍾情這座古老的建築,因此即便將其淹沒也不會絲毫的進行破壞。)
Standing on it, a close look at the lake, the Golden Eagles leaped, the egrets fluttered, and the blue waves were all in one color. The Yuanfeng Mountain Guanyinqiao Xiufeng, light smoke light majestic posture, the upper birth of bamboo, the pastoral poet Tao Yuanming's “boat far away from the light, the wind fluttering and blowing clothes,” the return of the scene, as if faintly visible. In addition, Luoxingdun does not charge tickets, and there are a lot of tourists.(佇立其上,近觀湖水,金鱗競躍,白鷺翻飛,碧波連天一色。遠眺廬山觀音橋秀峰,淡煙輕掩雄姿,上生竹木,田園詩人陶淵明當年“舟遙遙以輕揚,風飄飄而吹衣”的歸田情景,彷彿依稀可見。此外落星墩是不用收門票的,來的遊客也不少。)



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