观 CHINA超级月全食“蓝血月”( The concept of "blue blood CHINA super total lunar eclipse july")

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

152 年一遇的超级蓝血月(152 years of super blue month)

  • 北京时间2018年1月31日有月全食景象,19:48 开始初亏,「完全被吃掉」的最佳观赏时间为 20:51。
    (Beijing time on January 31, 2018 a total lunar eclipse scene, 19:48 at the beginning, "the best viewing time was entirely consumed for 20:51)


(The sky tonight staged total lunar eclipse, the weather is fine, can enjoy the "Red Moon" scene. The total lunar eclipse of the penumbral lunar eclipse began in the Beijing time

At 18:51, lunar brightness changes little, so the public can be observed from 19:48 at the beginning, will slowly see the missing corner; 20:52 the moon is completely "eat"; from 20:52 to 22 hours 08 minutes, the night sky moon will become the bronze, is often said that the "Red Moon"; from 22 after 08 minutes, the moon slowly round about 23:11, the end of the observation;)



  • 在农历十五、十六,月亮运行到和太阳相对的方向。这时如果地球和月亮的中心大致在同一条直线上,月亮就会进入地球的本影,而产生月全食。月食
    (In the fifteen and sixteen lunar calendar, the moon runs in the opposite direction of the sun. If the earth and the moon Center approximately on the same line, the moon will enter earth's umbra, and total lunar eclipse. Lunar eclipse.When on earth, the sun and the moon in the direction of 180 degrees, the sun and the moon in the sky of the orbit, called the ecliptic and white, is not on the same plane, but about the angle 5 degrees, two near the intersection so that only the sun and the moon are located in the zodiac and have confessed, the opportunity to form a straight line from total lunar eclipse.)

观测方法(Observation method)


  • 月全食的观测方法:使用双筒望远镜或者天文望远镜,7倍以上就可以清晰地观看到。可以站到高处看,这样视野会很好。也可用肉眼直接观察,不需要什么特别的设备,就可以作以下两项月全食观察。
    (Observation method: total lunar eclipse using binoculars binoculars or a telescope, you can see the view 7 times more clearly. You can stand up to the height, so the view will be good. Can also be observed directly, what does not need special equipment, you can do the following two total lunar eclipse observation)

相关历史传说(Related historical legends)

  • 哥伦布与月食(Columbo and the lunar eclipse)
    (In the early sixteenth Century, Columbo sailed to Jamaica, South America, and clashes with local aborigines. Columbo and his seaman trapped in a corner without food and water, the situation is very critical. Understand the knowledge of astronomy Columbo know what happened to that evening to the total lunar eclipse, earth

The man shouted, "without food, you will not give you moonlight!" At night, Columbo's words were fulfilled, and there was no moonlight. Indigenous people rushed to Columbo with profound respect and humility, and bury the hatchet. The lunar eclipse records in Mesopotamia in 2283 B.C. were the world's earliest record of lunar eclipses, followed by the lunar eclipse records in 1136 BC. The phenomenon of lunar eclipse has been promoting the development of human cognition. As early as 1881, Chinese astronomer Zhang Heng of the Han Dynasty clarified the principle of the lunar eclipse)

(Personal feeling is still very shocking!)

(Like a lot of praise)