Yah you are okay......;)
You don't have to look at your wallet to know that what you would bring to the table would be fantastic and profitable (though I sometimes snoop in there when swimming around in the minnow pool gets old)
The fact is, you are on to something so much before the early majority that this cruise person just isn't ready to hear the message. Another fact is that this cruise person is thinking about whether he/she made a bad decision, or is going to get smacked with a realization of the blown opportunity at some point.
Anyhow, you must have failed your way to successfully running a multi million dollar company. You failed your way into a great wallet and bought your freedom here.
Refine your message, up your game and go at it again. You will do it and I will upvote the hell out of that video as well. Go show em all some west/west.
I gotta get on one of these boats and just prove it to them....this is a great idea.