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RE: Travel with me #81 : Round up of the Beach Tower and Royal Towers at Atlantis - Which Hotel is better ?

in #travel8 years ago

Not beauty, Revise your comment.
If you want to see Dirty Politics, Visit Pk. Imdad accept it, Sach Karwa hota ha...That country has no more beauty. Beauty comes from the heart of people. Country is made of People. If you have dirty mind and heart that you no longer ....... so look around u. do not speak of PTV news. Open your eyes. Go outside.


LOL u think that pakistani has dirty mind , fake politics hahaha i think u don't know about pakistan. U seems to be just worm of social media. I suggest u to get out of this social trap and search for the reality . U say about politics , so don't u hear about what happened in america i mean that trump . and also in india that moodhi. U don't know anything man .