What is Kava and How it's Helped Me Tremendously

in #travel7 years ago

The first time I had my first shell of kava I was in south Florida with some buddies and decided to check out Kavasutra, yes Kavasutra not to get confused with Kama Sutra, the ancient Sanskrit guide to sexual technique, human sexual behavior and love;) It was near this beach that was close to my school. We were only 18 and couldn't go to a bar that served alcohol, so we figured it'd be a chill spot for younger people to socialize. I heard it tasted bad, which was an understatement. Not that I have ever drank mud from my backyard before but the grittiness and strong earthy taste of the kava made me feel like I have. I didn't like it. Not only did it taste like wet garbage it had no effect on me...the first time. The bartender at Kavasutra told me kava has a reverse tolerance meaning the more often you drink it the more you will feel its effects. I thought this was just a tactic to get people to come back, but I feel it is very true for the most part. After downing whatever I could of this muddy gritty substance I met a lot of cool people around the bar. I feel like kava bars have the coolest down to earth people compared to a bar that serves alcohol where there could possibly be a lot of coked up hotheads that think you're trying to "steal their girl". Throughout the night I drank more kava and started to feel more social, relaxed, and happy. When the kava effects kicked in I realized I would be spending a lot more time at this establishment. Not only for their fantastic and useful product but to meet and talk to really cool and chill people. I was actually introduced to STEEMIT by my friend and fellow kava drinker I met at the bar not too long ago.

I used to deal with depression and anxiety during middle and high school. I have tried numerous antidepressants such as wellbutrine and zoloft but none have them have worked as fast and profoundly as kava. Even though kava is short lived, meaning the effects don't last the whole day, you will still feel generally great the rest of the day as well as more relaxed. Kava is a great herb to ingest before a speech in front of people, going to a party where you may feel uncomfortable or anxious, or even before a flight. I strongly recommend someone try kava even if they aren't depressed or have anxiety because it has tons of benefits aside from helping those with these social setbacks.
I recommend those who have a history of drug or alcohol abuse stay away from kava although it can go both ways and trying kava can possibly even help you steer away from very deadly and harmful substances, such as opiates. Kava is a way healthier alternative to alcohol in my opinion.
Some of the cons of kava are as followed:

  • Liver Damage (Although this problem may not occur in all users of kava kava, it has been observed that this herb can result in cirrhosis, liver failure and hepatitis.)
  • Scaly skin rash known as dermopathy.
  • Increased depression.
  • Appetite loss (hey!! not a con if you want to go on a diet ;)...)
  • Dry or chapped lips.

Give kava a try, whats the worst that can happen? Ya feel good. There is a lot more harmful and deadly stuff out there, but kava is one of the safest. I love and appreciate this root as it helped me so much. I believe everybody would be a better person if they tried it at least once. RELAX ON STEEMIANS!relax-4.jpg