Hey they Mr Walker! Reading your post totally reminds me of my days teaching English in Seoul. I used to teach the Vice President of Samsung Seoul Land Division. I also taught a bunch of high end lawyers and doctors, and it seemed no matter how well their English was they all made the same mistakes when it came to describing age
I hope you don't mind if I give you a little tip......Korean to English often does not translate well. So to say the stones have 1,000 years is very awkward. You would want to say the stone are 1,000 years old. Or are more than 1,000 years old. In Korean you seem to collect and have years, but in English you "are" an amount of years "old".
Hope you don't mind....you brought the English teacher out in me on this one.
On another note that I also hope you don't mind........
I'm trying really hard to get a community writing project off the ground.
It's basically going to be a travel (pro) report library for steemit and hopefully the online world at large with any success; a resource of information for destinations around the world. I'm collaborating with other travelers (travel pros) on steemit encouraging them to write reports with a specific format to keep the quality and style in sync. The reports/library can be found at @travel-report.
I just wrote the first one to get things started. It's on Chiang Mai Thailand, one of my favorite destinations in the world for many reasons.
Any support you can lend is greatly appreciated and it will encourage others to write reports too really giving some lift to this project.
Thank you for all your help, past, present, and future!
From Odessa Ukraine -Dan
Thank you for your correction.