What is it like to find your paradise - 6 months in BRAZIL

in #travel7 years ago

Hello Steemians!

It’s been a while since the last time I posted something here, right?
The truth is, not so much has changed since then.

Peró beach, Cabo Frio

I’m still in Cabo Frio, and as the last month I found really good deal for round trip ticket from Poland to Rio, my dad and my friend visited me here last week.

It was so good to see them after such a long time. Their visit kind of opened my mind for many things here. After these few months spent here, I got used to almost all the culture differences, food, to see favelas all around in places like Rio… For them, it was all new, it made me think about how weird place I am living in, where behind all those skyscrapers in Copacabana you can see favelas on the hills.

Sometimes I miss home and my privacity, but at the same time I cannot imagine to come back home, either to normal life. Which also terrifies me, because one day I’d like to have normal job, a house, and all those things of „normal” life.
Sometimes I think that maybe I should leave it all here, not even to backpack anymore, but to become volunteer at some hostel in another part of the country, it’s just still so much to visit in Brazil. But after 3 days in Rio, I gave up on spending there another night, as I missed Cabo Frio so much.

with my dad and my friend!

Maybe that’s how it feels when you find your perfect place on the Earth?

Of course I can never be sure if there isn’t another place on this planet where I woulnd’t feel better. I really want to go and spend some time in Australia, Mexico, and if I come back to Europe, Portugal sounds great too!

But the thing is, there will be always something missing, because that’s just who we are, we never feel completely happy. Firstly, the financial part of my life could be better out of Brazil. But these people here, the nature, the possibility to go to the beach every day, the contact with the ocean which makes me feel connected to the nature… It all makes me feel so happy! And I’m not even trying to do anything special so now imagine if finally one day I start doing something more than just going to the beach every day and surf… I can be even happier than I am now! I mean, this place has such a potential to be my personal paradise!

Praia do Forte, Cabo Frio

I don’t know where I will end up in 2 months, 5 years… Nothing lasts forever, but for now I’m really happy here. It’s like for the first time in my life I’m feeling such a peace, and I don’t feel like I wanted to change anything right now. If this isn’t how you should feel when you find a perfect place, then I don’t know what it is.

making friends in Rio de Janeiro

I really wish that everybody could find himself in such a peaceful place one day too. It doesn’t matter if it’s gonna be a big city, mountains, beach or a desert. You’re gonna know ‘this is it’ once you find it.


E delicia de lugar, me leva para essa praia.

Sim, esse lugar e maravilhoso!

Ainda melhor é logo ali do lado, em Arraial do Cabo!!!

Parabéns, seu post foi votado e compartilhado pelo projeto Brazilian Power, cuja meta é incentivar a criação de mais conteúdo de qualidade, conectando a comunidade brasileira e melhorando as recompensas no Steemit. Obrigado!


Muito obrigada! E um prazer!

industrialization and modernization has really drifted man away from nature. we seem to be in an everyday hustle and we tend to forget what it feels like to be one with nature. the calmness, the serenity, the genuine fun.
visiting places like this is really important in finding peace in our lives
its amazing

#Hug-challenge #Air-clinic



That's exactly what I'm thinking! Finding joy of life in such a simple things just proves that we don't need a fortune to be truly happy!

yes.you are right.
And instead of most people to pursue happiness they pursue wealth and fame, they need to be told the truth