Hi Martijn,
That is quite an impressive list of travel locations/ places where you have stayed so far in your life. Very useful tips too.
My one and only experience with Workaway is how I got to El Hierro, Canary Islands last September. I need to add though, that food isn't always included. Although I did not need to pay for my little apartment, I had to pay for and cook my own food. No need to complain though, as I only taught English 2 hours a day, 5 days a week ;)
i was very lucky that i could travel so long, loved it!
Nice story about your own work away expierence.
I wouldn't call it luck. I start to believe in luck less and less. You yourself made it possible. Anyway, I'm sure that it's a mainly positive experience to look back on :)
For sure and offcourse its not all luck ,you have to put yourself in the possision aswell, but i met super nice along the way.