Last week-end, as we were visiting a sister of my wife near Budapest, she brought us to see a monumental statue of Turul, a mythological bird of prey, on a hill above the city of Tatabánya, 60 km east of Budapest.

Turul is a mythological bird that is represented as a mix between a hawk and a falcon. According to the legends of the Magyars, a Turul appeared in a dream to the Magyar princess Emese.
The turul appeared to her in a dream and told her that from her womb a great river would begin, and flow out over strange lands. According to dream interpreters, this meant that she would give birth to a son who would lead his people out of their home in Levedia, and that her descendants would be glorious kings. Emese's son was named Álmos
Álmos is an ancestor to the Árpád dynasty that created the Hungarian Kingdom, after the Magyar emigrated to the Carpathian Basin.

Before World War I, there were 3 monumental statues of Turul in Hungary, each with wingspan of 15 metres.
Two have been destroyed and the statue in Tatabánya is the only one that still exists.
It is the largest bird statue in Europe, and the largest bronze statue in Central Europe.
Turul is often represented with its wings deployed and with a sword in its talons.
In this monumental statue, Turul also has a crown above its head. It has probably been added during the restoration of the statue in 1992.

From the platform where the statue is located, you can have a good view of the plain and of the city of Tatabánya.

According to Wikipedia,
There remain at least 195 Turul statues in Hungary, as well as 48 in Romania (32 in Transylvania and 16 in Partium), 8 in Slovakia, 7 in Serbia, 5 in Ukraine, 1 in Austria.
Turul is often on top of memorial, in particular those of 1914-1918.
Here is one of these memorials in the village of Cserkút, near Pécs.

And here is another one in the town of Bóly.

On this webpage in Hungarian, you could see many representation of Turul in the Baranya County.
And, of course, there is a large representation of Turul in the Royal Castle in Budapest.

Turul bird on the Royal Castle, Budapest, Hungary
That is a truly fantastic monument. I love how the wings are spread wide as if it was about to descend on its prey. The location for the statue is quite impressive. The view you had of the town was very nice. Your tour must be coming to an end soon. How much longer until you head home?
We are going back to British Columbia tomorrow.
It is important to travel in order to keep your mind and body together. Thanks to you
Wuao wonderful images, they look really cool
The first one looks kind of ominous, just from the size of it, overlooking the town below. It's strange they made all of them all over the country because of a dream that princess Emese had. Or maybe she wasn't a princess yet when she had the dream?
First one looks impresive.
Me encanto tu artículo a tal punto que me vi obligado a googlearlo y aquí te lo tengo.
La historía es un tesoro invaluable. Siempre me ha gustado aprender cosas de otros países y tu me has enseñado mucho.
Saludos y GraciasHola @vcelier
Hawk and a falcon that's mysterious
I will love to see it physically
Myths are so part of culture though with somewhat awkward stuffs.
Budapest is lovely
Spectacular photographic shot of the monuments. Very professional
Did not knew about it. Interesting and informative post. Thank You @vcelier.
Wow wonderful images
Wow wonderful images
Wow beutiful @vcelier
I still do not understand how there are people or governments that can destroy monuments like these, how good you could know the bird of the legend that you just told, and very interesting as it was revealed through a dream, that a belly would bring the world to that would save his descendants, very nice and interesting story, thank you for telling and hope that that statue continue from life to fill more knowledge to pass the story.
locations are the great point, I am very interestingHi @vcelier
The last photo has much resemblance to a condor one of the birds with larger wing wings in flight.
Oh, I've never seen a post about Hungary here before. It's a really great country. Did you know that the great illusionist Erik Weisz, known as Harry Houdini, was a Hungarian, from the city of Budapest? It is also the country with more hot springs in the world (that's why I hope to visit it sometime)
The truth is a country and a very interesting culture, I read a lot about it, for example did you know that Budapest was not always the Hungarian capital?
Esztergom, the birthplace of San Esteban, was the capital until the thirteenth century. With the invasion of the Mongols in 1241, the crown was moved to Buddha, who many years later, in 1873, joined Pest and Óbuda to create the city that you know and frequent today. . I know many things about the country, like Budapest has the oldest subway line in continental Europe behind London, the Hungarian parliament is the third largest in the world, in Budapest is the second largest synagogue in the world that is in the Dohány street and hascapacity for 3000 faithful. Parliament is not the only record building.
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You have my vote, and I stay attentive to your next publications!
What's nice to eat in Hungary?
*hungry *
wow that's awesome I'm new here I do not know anything yet please ubvote and like to boost my steem power
Nice One good to see you here