Canada 🇨🇦 Canada 🇨🇦

in #travel4 years ago


Welcome back bloggers ! Sorry I’ve been quiet recently ! Working out a lot at the moment in the sun ! Trying to beat the corona demons in my head ! And not being able to book holidays and adventures is killing me ALittle inside!! But hey

Back to 2014!! Where I was heading off to TORONTO to meet my friend I met in Byron Bay one of my favourite stops in Australia but il come to that soon enough !!

It’s crazy really as my Oz trip was my first solo trip and Canada was my 2nd but I started at the end of my travels with my blogs ... so far Obvs !!! So this basically takes me right back to the beginning but still I’m learning everytime I go away :)

As you can see from the picture I got a very warm welcome from My friend and her sister who kindly came to pick me up after 2 hours getting through the airport !! They ask you everythinggggg it was crazy !! Be prepared !! Where your staying who ? your staying with? how long have you known them ? What do you do ? What do their do ?

First stop Apperantly had to be TIM HORTONS


To get an iced coffee and donut bites !! They weren’t wrong !!! For the next 2 weeks that’s what I got every morning :)!!!

We headed back to the family home and I got showered and we had dinner :)! They all loved my accent dunno why I think it’s horrible !!!

We got an early night as we were going into Toronto the next day as my friend was off work and she was going to show me round! We first dropped my bags off at my next stay! My hostel! Then went exploring !!
As soon as I saw that you could do it I wanted to but my friend didn’t want to do it :( so had to save it for the day after! More on that later!!! We went to the aquarium instead !!!! It was fun ! Cool because of the air con and that was a relief as was sooooo hot outside !!!! We spent the afternoon having a little look around the shops and then we went for dinner before my friend had to catch the metro back :(

But the meal was something il never forget !!! It was just a sports bar I think but we sat outside on the terrace watching the world go by, finding a lovely crisp clear cider that I couldn’t stop drinking !!! And lots of laughs and chatting !!

The best part was when dessert was had !! I asked what graham crackers were !!! ( well you had to be there but !!!) this is what my friend said

‘You know normal crackers ... well chuck that thought right out of the window because they are nothing like them !!!!!’ And that’s the only explanation I got hahaha





( sorry about the photos I haven’t got the raw copies on my phone )

Was so much fun though but our time was nearly up and I was doing the next leg on my own until the weekend when I was meeting back up with my friend at her cottage on the island 😍

It was Canada 🇨🇦 Day it was fab the atmosphere around the streets were fab I set out for some breakfast and A walk over to The CN Tower !!! We had tried to get Blue Jay tickets for the baseball game but no such luck !! But I did head up the CN tower and decided I’d do this ...








It was AMAZINGGGGGGGGGGG !! Do It Do It Do It !!!!

The Walk Round The CN Tower !! I’d done a Skydive In Oz which you’ll find out more about soon !! So I felt like I had to do something crazy ! I text my mum after to say look this website up !! I’ve just done that haha!!!!!

I went up there and I said I’d like to do it and the guy behind the counter was like there’s a slot free in 15 minutes !! Didn’t have much time !!! But I was like well less time to get nervous ! Went for a wee! Paid my money and that was that !!!! Went around the whole of the top doing different tricks !! I wish I had my video on this phone as it explains it better but the platform is really wide as wide as a sidewalk ! As they call it in Canada !!! The parade was going on as you can see in one of the pictures andddd the Blue Jays game was about to start !! Amazing views !!! And so much fun!!! Loved it! Hanging off the edge like Spider-Man! 🕷

Also as part of your ticket you could go down to the glass floor !! Well I did that after and I felt like I could dance on this and not be affaid like some people on the glass !! Wouldn’t even open their eyes !!!

The lift was unreal how fast it went up though your ears went and everything il find out the info ...


The CN Tower (French: Tour CN) is a 553.3 m-high (1,815.3 ft) concrete communications and observation tower located in Downtown Toronto, Ontario, Canada.[5][8] Built on the former Railway Lands, it was completed in 1976. Its name "CN" originally referred to Canadian National, the railway company that built the tower. Following the railway's decision to divest non-core freight railway assets prior to the company's privatization in 1995, it transferred the tower to the Canada Lands Company, a federal Crown corporation responsible for real estate development.


Amazing ! And when I showed my friend the video at the weekend she was gutted she didn’t do it with me !!!

I set my alarm to go check out the Canada 🇨🇦 Day fireworks but my body clock was all wrong and set it for the wrong time and completely missed them :(

The next day I travelled to Niagara Falls OMG what a sight !!!

I walked to my hostel from the bus terminal and I was abit panicky !! Not a lot here I thought to myself :/ but I settled in and thought il go for an after scroll !!!


( you can see how built up it is !!!)

Oh how wrong was I !! I properly walked a couple of miles in the direction of the falls ! I looked up and WOW!!!


Crazy crazy views and the sound ! I Walked along all the touristy shops and was buzzing for my trip the next day !!!

I headed back to the hostel and grabbed some dinner !! Noodles probs! That’s how I rolled ;)! I got chatting to a group of people and one of them said did I wanna go to see the fireworks at the falls with her !! I jumped up and said let’s go !!!

Amazing yet again!!



We headed back to the hostel to grab an early night ish! As I had my trip the next day :)

Maid Of The Mist

This means going under the falls !!!! Pretty amazing !! Couldn’t get many photos as my camera was getting very wet!! But it was an all day trip and highly recommended !! You start your trip over the New York side of the falls but the bus came and got me from my hostel at like 9am and I didn’t get back til like 6!!! I was knackered and wet but such a fab day !
Il show you some pictures but I’d just go !!!











I had the next morning just to grab souvenirs which obviously took advance of !!! Then my friends sister was picking me as I was staying with them for the evening before heading to the cottage :)

Next stop was Niagara on the lake

So beautiful and such a cute little town and we got there for sunset :) happy kate !!!

We went to a little farm shop first and the farm the husband worked on ! It was soooo cute and as you can see on a good day you can see the Toronto skyline!!

The muffins were delish too!!!





The next day I bounced out of bed knowing we were heading to the cottage today :)

You’ll see why when you get to see the photos !! Plus I got to see my friend again :)!!! And catch up on the amazing week I had :)



You can only get to the cottage by boat ! Everyone has a boat licence !! Pretty cool :)!!

We grabbed an early night as my friend has places for me to see the next day !!!

First thing we had pancakes and then headed out on the kayaks before it got too hot ! It was so beautiful loved every minute :)




After lunch my friend showed me some party tricks on the water skis whilst her dad controlled the boat !!! We also then swapped it to a round inflatable thing which we both held on too and whisked around !!! It was so much fun !!!!






When it go cooler my friends dad kindly took us round the island on a little tour !! So so beautiful I was so very lucky to have people to show me round !


Heading back towards the cottage


That evening we had cocktails and we ! I say we basically everyone but me were amazing singers so they got the guitar out and sung me a few camp songs and we made s’mores !!!!! Delishhhhh!!!!



S’mores are ....

2 Graham crackers
Marshmallow warmed on the fire
Chocolate bar of your choice

So you heat up you marshmallow like you would over the fire 🔥 then squashed between your chocolate bar and both graham crackers then .....

EAT !!!!!!

That was my last evening on Fry Island :( pretty gutted heading home


These people made my stay so amazing il never be able to thank them enough !!

We got the cars packed up and headed back to they home but we stopped on the way for an ice cream haha


Black Cherry 🍒 and Chocolate 🍫 I think I had ! Amazing !!!!! Plus we had such a laugh singing and taking the mick out of the English accent !!!! They reckon we say poppycocks a lot !!!! Never said it in my life !!! But I guess it’s a posh way of swearing haha ohhhh poppycocks !!! Amazing we laughed so much!!

The next morning well 3am !!! I had 1 more mini trip planned but it was MASSIVE !!!!!!!!

With my tips from my job back home I’d saved all year as I did for Australia 🇦🇺 more on that soon haha ;)! I decided as it was only an hour and half flight I’d do 2 days in....

NEW YORK !!!!!

I was sooooo excited but as you know if you’ve read my first post I’ve been again since !!! ( read that one !!!) but il give you my first experience too :)!!!

Toronto decided to have a massive storm whilst I was heading to the airport !!! Cheers lol !!! The flight was horrendous !! The thunder and lightening was crashing throw the plane it was going here there and everywhere !!!!! It was one scary ride !! But I landed and headed out to see if I could find a taxi!!!

On my own in NEW YORK ! How amazing ! I felt on top of the world !!!

I kinda got the wrong airport but it didn’t matter I had to cross the river by Using the famous Lincoln Tunnel ! ( well in elf it is !!)

I stayed in a really lovely hostel ! Private room and bathroom ! Double bed !! My sister helped me pick and thought getting home late busy days you’ll want a bedroom to your self no dorms!!! Not got long to make friends or anything !!!

I headed straight out after dropping my bags off ! Stepped onto the pavement and I could see Empire State!!! I figured out all the streets and avenues pretty quickly ! Got my map out and headed for Time Square !! To grab my ticket for my 2 day Hop On Hop Off bus 🚌! ( told you in my other post how highly I recommend getting one!!) especially as I only had 2 days !!!



But before I went any where from my hostel I jumped on the internet to see if I could buy a broadway ticket !!!! ( didn’t know about cheap ones in Time Square this time round ! - you learn so much in travelling !!!! I LOVE IT!)

More on that later ;)

I smelt the pretzels 🥨 from a far so I grabbed one and headed to Central Park for a little sit and lunch as I’d be walking around in ore all morning !!!!



LOOK!!! What came to try and nick my food!!!

A RACOON 🦝 I couldn’t believe it !!!!!!! I took a quick picture and got up! As you know I love elf haha and I got an image in my head of the RACOON grabbing my face like he did to elf when he said ‘you look cuddly ... do you fancy a huggg’ and he jumps on his face hahaha

Amazing though !!!!

Next stop was Ground Zero

(Head back to my other post for more info) but for my first experience here it was crazily eary ... no matter when you go it’s always the same .. quiet, calm and amazing , it is beautiful but the thousands of people that lost they lives is just unthinkable - head to the museums for more info when you go


I tried to fit as many stops as possible but I did do abit of clothes shopping too obvs !!!

I Did pop to Grand Central but less pictures so head back to my first blog for those ! So much nicer travelling with a buddy !!! Other wise it’s all selfies of you!!!

So ! I headed back to grab a shower as I bagged my self a ticket to see


And OMG ! It was amazing !!! The Theatre was Massive! The show was incredible I was just buzzing the whole evening!!! Love Love Loved it !!!! Do it for sure if you can !! I love London and all the shows I’ve seen but just to walk back out to Times Square after and see all the lights and ‘the city that never sleeps’ was just a surreal experience especially on my own ! I felt really safe too heading back to the hostel at like 11pm stopped at a Tim Holtons Obvs!!




Before collapsing into bed ! Ready for my trip to

Ellis Island 🗽

The next day !

I’d say they isn't much to do there but I thought first time in New York it’s a must to go over there but a trip on a boat going close is as much as an experience but I went and it was lovely over the island just chilling watching the world go by ! It was a beautiful day so :)!




And yay got someone to take a picture for me !!!

My flight back was early the next day so I got my last few souvenirs bits soaked up abit more of Times Square ! Sometimes I wish you could bottle some experiences up and just open them when ever you need to and just imagine being there again! It’s just a crazy but an amazing city 🌃


Before I knew it I was heading back to Toronto to get my flight back home and that’s the end of my first official completely on my own travel experience!!!

I waited for my friend at the pick up point reading my book in the sun when she had finished work so we could go for one last supper before I headed home :( !!

We had such a laugh reminiscing on My stay and of Australia 🇦🇺 ( can’t wait to share this chapter with you ) and then we had to say Goodbye 😭

Thank you so much for reading

Sorry it’s been a while !

But My next stop will be AUSTRALIA 🇦🇺 I can’t wait !!!!! 3 months of amazing views places and experiences!!

Il break it down for you !

Here’s the list of places I went so you know what to expect !!!

Ready !!

Magnetic island
Airlie Beach
Rainbow Beach (Fraser island)
Agnes Waters
Surfers Paradise
Byron Bay
Blue Mountains
Great Ocean Road
Perth 2!

Yep in total I’ve been in Australia 4 months - 2 trips !! Helps having a sister there!!!

But il try to do my best to give you as many experiences adventures advice and pictures as I can!! Il tell you one thing though ! It was 2013 back right at the beginning of my travelling !!! My first stop ✋🏻!! I’d been to Menorca and Cuba without my parents by this point I think so forgive me !!! Everything was new amazing and just out of this world to me!!!!

So bloggers Perth Australia 🇦🇺 will be my next stop !!! Time for me to look back at my pictures and memory for you to look forward to some good reading haha!! Even though I love doing these blogs for myself too kinda as a diary !

Thank you so much again for all your support and obviously a big shout out to my main man @tomatom for always supporting me 💋

Happy Reading

Kate x ( stay safe everyone ) x


Had to read it in 3 sessions as you've written so much! I'm not sure if I could do the CN tower walk on a windy day :-/


Il hold your hand 💋💋💋

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