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RE: Hive Post Deleted - I No Longer Support This Blockchain

in #travel9 years ago

The one that really jumped out at me was Big Dub, now that would be a good weekend. Shangrila at Harmony Park, MN is always amazing as well but will be much different this year without the Purple One reigning over the festivities. May he rock on forever in peace! Great list man!


Hey! So I'm way late to this post and new to steemit so I was searching for like minded posts/people. Did you go to Shang this year? It was our first year and it was incredible. Will definitely be back next year! Think we'll bring our daughter to Project Earth too. Sad Trevor Hall couldn't make it, but One Tribe, Mike Love, Dustin Thomas... the list goes made it a very special weekend. So thankful!

Shangri-La's definitely one I plan on making at some point myself, I LOVE #wookiefoot!

Thanks, I'm really hoping people start popping up in here with events I don't have listed yet so I can make it bigger... and BIGGGERRR!!! hahahaha.

Big Dub is a great time - its just become heavily focused on procuring funds from those attending. Though, it is still one of the better ones on the east coast.