My little bug taking in the views. I love that she smiles when I'm taking pictures. My little ray of sunshine!
I got the opportunity to go with @hethur240 and a mutual friend down to a local watering hole!! The scenery was quite different since the flood that hit our area of the Ozarks. The river is always changing, but the landscape surrounding the river had also changed.
The bluffs here are incredibly high. There was a small stream/waterfall coming from the bluff across the river, but the shadows wouldn't allow a good picture of it. You can check out more of the scenery and landscape at @hethur240's post:
So love the way the water sparkles in the wind. Makes everything seem so much more surreal!!!
Here is my bug again eating some home grown watermelon in a teether pacifier. This thing is so handy for introducing new foods and making sure she doesn't choke on a big piece or eat the seeds. I highly recommend them for any parent with a young baby. She loves it!
She is eating a rock! Well licking it anyhow, got to get that immune system boosted somehow right?!? What's the saying, god made dirt :) Thanks for stopping by and visiting the lovely Missouri Ozarks with us!!
Share with me your favorite watering hole!! Is it your pool out back or the lake at grandma's?
This is wonderful news. Well done!
Beautiful little girl, and lovely scenery! Where is that located?
This is located on the Jack fork river in south central Missouri. Thank you for the compliments!!
She's beautiful like her Mumma @tiredmama :)
daww thanks!!
Sure you deserve it @tiredmama . Im beginning to follow you now. Emulating you from now onward
My gosh she's a little beauty! She takes the perfect pictures for you :)
Thanks for posting pictures guys! Always love seeing the beautiful rivers! I don't know if I've been out there, and if I have it's just been too far back to remember.
It looks so different now!