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RE: Flying Cars Are On The Way - Too Cool! (Contest Prizes Given To Top 13 Comments)

in #travel7 years ago

I would use it to get a height advantage on the Amazon delivery drones. Attack with the sun at your back. :)


Congrats on being the first ever to win in my game! We had a tie for first and lots of consolation prizes :)

contest flying cars (.672 SBD payout)

1 randomwanderings 8 .151
1 themanwithnoname 8 .151
3 nzfxtrader 6 .034
3 carolfung 6 .034
5 lynncoyle1 5 .034
6 cerealface82 4 .034
6 r3v3nan7 4 .034
8 ilovepoorpeople 3 .034
8 glenalbrethsen 3 .034
8 sighmanjestah 3 .034
11 afiqsejuk 2 .034
12 crazycryptoworld 2 .034
13 midnighterza 2 .034

Thank you! It was fun. :)

lol yes it was... and thank you for adding to the banter! I'll let you know when we have another and you can parlay that big stack you just won... hahaha