Dear Steemit friends :
For me, travelling to Bahamas is as much about relaxing in places like Atlantis as it is about island hopping and visiting the unique wildlife on the many small islands of Bahamas.
In my previous post about Exuma, we had the opportunity to visit and feed the very rare and endangered Bahamian Rock Iguanas. Seeing these rather large reptiles in their natural environment and interacting with them was an incredible and unforgettable experience.
With feeding the Iguanas under the belt, I decided to visit perhaps the flagship 'attraction' of the Bahamas, which is now famously known as Swimming with the pigs.
Just two hours on a boat from Nassau takes us a little further along the strip of islands collectively known as Exuma Cays to this rather mysterious place called Major Cays - nowadays known as Pig Beach.
Pig Beach
The island is an uninhabited cay which is populated by two dozen feral pigs which survive by foraging in the forest for food, and then come out to the beach for a swim to cool down.
The Mystery of the Pigs
It is unclear as to how the pigs ended up on this island and survived to this day, but the locals like to tell the story of how the pigs swam ashore from a pirate shipwreck and survived by eating food from dumped passing ships.
Two farmers, Wayde Nixon and Don Rolle claimed to have brought the pigs to this island in the 90's to start a pig farm for fear of the Y2K computer meltdown.
Either way, the pigs have become some what a legend to tourists and have brought a lot of interest to the Bahamas as well as an opportunity for visitors to interact closely with pigs swimming in the sea!
I was lucky to visit on a splendid day, usually the June to November period is considered Hurricane season and the pigs are taken to a shelter by a local water sports company.
The gorgeous blue sky is only rivalled by the glistening light blue waters of the sea. An absolutely stunning view.
As we approached the infamous beach, I could already see several of the larger pigs greeting other visitors. They were much larger than I expected. In the flyers I saw back at home, I thought the pigs would be cute little piglets.
The three biggest pigs are the ones with the spots on their backs. They are completely unafraid of visitors and will even swim out to greet you, snorting as they wait for you to feed them food.
Seeing pig's nearly twice the size of myself, I decided to down some beer before I go ahead and greet them closer up.

Feeding the pigs is a great way to get them to interact with you. It's important and respectful to feed them natural food, so avoid things like bread, cheese, hot dogs and beer.
Earlier this year, half a dozen pigs were found dead, initial reports cited tourists feeding the pigs Beer and Rum as the cause of death, but autopsy reports later showed that their stomachs were full of sand.
So, best stick to feeding them fruit and vegetables, and in the water!
Once in the water, I was quickly greeted by one of the pink ones. Although smaller than the huge spotted hogs, it was still pretty big!
Finally, my carrots caught the attention of one the little piglets which came rushing over to me expecting some treats.
I definitely get along better with the piglets, at least they're not bigger than me!
This piggy came straight over and had a whiff.
There are quite a number of different pigs here :
The big black spotted ones..
Plain pink ones..
Brown ones..
In the end, I think the big spotted ones are probably the most assertive, they have no fear coming up really close to you expecting a good treat.
My tour guide told me to never have my back turned to one of the big ones, as they are known to have taken bites out of people's bums!
Best stick to the smaller ones for selfies with the pigs.
This piggy has quite interesting patterning on it's back.
Remember not to feed them by leaving food on the sand!
Of course, seeing pigs swim in the water is the main attraction, so it's best to lure them into the water with your food in hand, and make them work for a treat!

This is one of the smaller black spotted pigs.
It's hard to believe they grow up to be so big!
Can you see the little piggy getting a belly rub in the background?
Because the bigger pigs tend to 'hog' the water a bit more.
I realised I could get more interaction with the smaller ones by going into the shallower parts of the water.
This guy really likes to follow me around!
Time for some more selfies with the pigs.

Looking around, I really couldn't find any pigs small enough to hold.
With a dash of luck, I heard some a really loud oink from further down the beach and noticed one of the smallest ones being held by someone.
I decided to go over and see if the little piggy would let me hold it too!
Success! The little piggy was actually still pretty big, it was so heavy I could only hold it for a few seconds.
It was very well behaved though and seemed to enjoy the physical contact.
And just like that, I had my first ever experience interacting with pigs, and moreover pigs swimming in the sea!
I can now tick off Swimming with Pigs on my list of things to do before I die.
Hope you enjoyed my post, remember to up-vote if you liked it, follow me to keep updated with my activities, and leave a comment of what you think!
从很久很久以前,我就听说在这个宇宙上,有一个美丽的小岛可以和小猪一起快乐的游泳,这就是巴哈马加勒比海的猪岛。准确地说,我是从猪岛得知的巴哈马这个度假胜地。Pig Island又叫做Big Major Cay,正式名称叫作大沙洲,它位于中美洲巴哈马群岛。我这次选择从巴哈马首都拿骚坐船过去,途中还经过了很多明星和企业家的私人岛屿。下面是我和小猪们游泳的视频,希望大家喜欢哦。
Pigs are so friendly as pet, unfortunatly it doesn't stop most people to eat them.
Pigs happily eat humans too ;)
Yeh but what man does do to pig, pig wouldn't do to man, even if they could...
cute pig
Hahaa swimming with pigs, awesome! Also love the colourful pictures !
Awesome pigs!
Amazing! 😍
thanks coinlend!
Sweetsssj! awesome as always... great, informative, colorful story. ;-)
OMG! What a cute piglet!
haha! cuter than me??
You are the cutest! :D
@sweetsssj, the pig is cuter than you because I love bacon.
不是。大家都知道你是最美丽的!但是那个自拍棒是不是一个gimbal的吗?Because if so I want to know where I can buy one. I'm guessing it wasn't Taobao. haha!
Gimbals are great! I got one for my GoPro but I find them mainly useful for videos I am not sure if its worth the money for a picture i can hold my camera still just fine. 如果你只是拍照我觉得gimbal是不用的
You're not so cute but damn! Check out that pig
I'm not so cute :( :( :(
Those pigs are cute, but you are definitely cuter! Now I have seen it all. a pig beach 🐷
Aww thanks nezbong ^.^
Like the username :)
I have @kys, in that 3 letter party :p
Now I can't eat pig anymore :)
Never thought they can be such beautiful
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we can eat dogs instead with a side of kittens if that makes you feel better
Love it like spider pig.
its amazing...isn't it?
Happy pigs, I'm sure :)
Haha, swim with a pig lol. Nice idea!
not my idea!
it ridiculous you know?
I wonder why I've never seen a pig swimming. Great pictures.
It is a pretty unique thing to Bahamas I think.. of course any pig could swim if they were given the same freedom to..
you r so pretty dea
its common in west africa
the swimming pigs are awesome!
I vsited too a while back.. feels like you're in a place where animals have evolved differently ;)
Yessss, swimming with bacon!!! Now that I can definitely do!!!
no bacon for me :D
a historical new discovery, pigs can swim
All animals with 4 legs can naturally swim....
Pigs swimming and relaxing on the beach on the Bahamas.
Me sitting behind a Computer upvoting them.
Something is wrong :D
1st world problems !
I love Weird Al and the first world problems, especially when we look like pigs
wow, that looks so fun
it really was so much fun, I think the novelty won't wear off for several more visits. I will be back to see the piggies again!
What's in my bag It would be so fun if you participate in this challenge! xoxoHey @sweetsssj I thought that pig is a doll! haha Btw, I'm doing 'What's in my bag' challenge for steemit ladies! I also tagged your name :) ->
hi ramengirl, i'll see if I can make an entry.. the problem is I already have a post on what I carry in my bag, and I'm not sure I want to make another post with the same content..
I know!! I read your post, and I loved it :) The reason why I'm doing this challenge because there is not many female users on steemit yet, so I want to promote communication among female users. I understand if you don't want to make a same content. But I'm sure that a lot of people are still curious what's in your bag! Thanks for the commet and hope you have a nice day ;)
@ramengirl Im glad I read your post and came across the" whats in my bag" tag! Im going to upload a whats in my bag tomorrow. I also followed your blog great posts my boyfriends Korean <3
Haha, awesome - reminds me of the pig from Moana (the Pixar movie) :D
haha the pigs are seriously cute!
For sure. On a side note, I just published a piece about a fish that was photographed inside a jellyfish (sort of cute in a weird way). Let me know what you think:
just upvoted it! That's pretty amazing, not sure how it got in there, since jelly fish are so slow !
For sure, it's pretty crazy. Thanks for your support - really appreciate it :D
It's crazy how pigs are always thought of as dirty but when you see them there in that crystal clear water it just changes your perception about them. Nice pics & great write-up!
So true.. we just need to see them literally in a different light and then we realise how amazing these animals are..
Yeah I've never ever seen pigs in the way you have showed.... So many years seeing the normal pigs in a dirty, muddy pig pen & then seeing your pictures with the pigs in crystal clear water is almost Looks like you had fun, awesome!
I didn't know pigs could swim.
Whatever next, pigs flying?
Haha, you know they are highly intelligent, maybe in some freaky evolution they learn how to fly planes. Or, technology advances enough to allow pigs to control personal aircraft with cognition.
A woman really gets my respect when she holds a pig and drinks a beer:0)
Haha, you won't see me do that very often :)
I understand......I don't drink beers very much also :D
you might like the wine, red wine for red lady!
lol.. Good one my Great Sir!!! * thick British accent*
I hope you don't eat pigs @sweetsssj cause that would just be weird!
I haven't had the stomach to eat pork since.. but then it's only been a day so far.
I have 2 little potbelly piggies! I wish I could take them here to swim! <3
Pigs are amazing! Eat Figs not Pigs. :)
Oh wow.. i'd love to seee them!
Here are my little girlies :)

Oh my gosh, they are so cuuuute! You are so lucky!
xx! They are very special to me! So glad you got to meet piggy friends of your own <3 Looking forward to more of your adventures!
Little? Ha! They are cute though
Haha, thanks! Maybe not so little.
You're so horny, i follow you! :*
me too
I am following you !!!
welcom for steemit
Thank you! Followed you back :) xx
you welcome
These are the happiest pigs in the world - I've got to visit them one of these days!
they sure are, and you definitely should!
Those pigs are really cute! I would definitely like to pet them as they are all so adorable and clean. As most of the time when we saw some pigs, they are most likely to be in mud puddle or some kind of dirty places! It's good for you to have a suvh great time to travel!
Those pigs look delicious.
Awesome! The pigs are so cute! :)
Fellow Steemians, are you not entertained?
I'm entertained!
Hey @sweetsssj looks like your getting a very slight tan now, also these piggies are super cute I find pigs are kinda like dogs so its a shame people treat them so badly they are also a smart animal, hope this paints a different view on them.
Nooo i'm losing my whiteness! That's a disaster for most Chinese girls, but actually, I don't mind, the tanner the better?? Also, It really has changed my view of pigs drastically, I hope people get to see pigs in a different light after viewing this post.
OMG, that's like one of my dream destinations ever since I saw it on NatGeo! The pigs look so cute! Cuteness overload alert!!!
It was my dream destination for so long, and I will admit, I saw that too! It's one of the prime reasons I came to Bahamas!
nice pictures, as usual
This is CRAZY
I can't believe you weren't scared of these guys, some of them are so big 🐷 🐖
It did look like a lot of fun though. Killer job on the video and the gifs 🙌 👍 @sweetsssj 😳
Thanks sandstorm! I was actually terrified of the big ones at first.. I needed a good few gulps of beer to summon the courage to go near them.. But they were pretty friendly in the end.
Your welcome! Haha, that beer you had before getting in the water was too funny 😜 🍺
It was enough liquid courage for you to dare take that selfie too LOL 🤳
haha the alcohol kicked in by then :D
It sure did 😄 haha
Great to see your video editing getting better each and every time now too, definitely don't be gulping down too many beers before doing that 🤣
Wow, wish I could join you
welcome sweetie, keep shinning
Nice one as usual, this your pigs experience is really very interested, I am happy that you were careful enough not get a bite from the big pigs, thank God you hide the advice of the tour guide. I don't want anything bad to happen to you because your doing great job in this community through sharing your experience with us. good job keep it coming.
thank you hynet, I wouldn't want someone reading the post, going there to take selfies with the pigs and then coming back missing a pound of flesh..
Your welcome. Yes you did the right by informing the house.
Great details, great post 👍🏻
Oh my gosh so much YES! Love this and the piggies. Great post. Thank you for sharing
You're welcome! Piggies are so cute when free to run around!
I am following you !!!
welcom for steemit
@sweetsssj Thank you so much for your post. I am happy your smartphone did not fall into the water, you really risked a lot for us. I also like your gimbal to stabilize your smartphone. Is it a DJI? And that yellow bikini is really EXCELLENT, suits you so well... I am sure the manufacturer would like to sponsor you, don't you think so?
Thank you lucky.digger, actually, my iphone 7 DID fall into the water. But thankfully it is suppose to be water resistant for short times under the water, so I picked it up and it was working just fine!
Also yes, I use the DJI Osmo for my video things, I can't tell you how great it is, I just hope the next iPhone has better camera so I can take better videos! I would love to receive sponsorship from DJI, I already use their drone and osmo, both of which i've blogged about too.
Ohhhhh @sweetsssj, yes, they must all sponsor you! But also the bikini company. You are very photogene and all swimwear that you have had on suits you very well. Please don't stop sending us such great pics! Next thing, an airline must sponsor you, and also a hotel chain!
Thank you for sharing such amazing trip to me and the mystery pig is really lovely.I would like to take photos! It is really a great place for people to play together.I want to have a trip with my friends here as the environment is really comfortable and I hope you can share more great place to steemit.Let other steemians know more about such great places
Great pics.
oink oink 🐷
Well...I think that pig that followed you around had a crush on you already...;)
I'm curious about this line where you mentioned that "My tour guide told me to never have my back turned to one of the big ones, as they are known to have taken bites out of people's bums!" For real! Hope you didn't allow any go near your bum! We need you intact steeming hot as always;)
Wonderful narratives...nice clean waters...great shots...keep it flowing...
thank you kenhudoy, I almost got attacked by one of the big ones, I think it wanted to eat me!
Hahaha....naa sure the big one was just seeking attention from the prettiest lady may not have noticed but you were steeming hot out there...;)
Such adorable pigs.
On a side note (not trying to be rude), are you rich? You can travel like a lot lol.
Hi! Well that question would be quite hard to answer because you would have to define what rich is. Amongst my peers, I am certainly not considered rich. I have some friends who visited Bahamas before me, and they had their own private Yacht take them around the islands.
I've never seen pigs like those before. Fascinating! That piglet you were holding was almost as big as you. Very much enjoying your travels vicariously. Thank you for sharing!
To be honest, I've never seen pigs before this. It's certainly eye opening to see how intelligent they are.
Thanks :)
I always visit your blog because you inspires me. Do what you do. Thank you very much for sharing inspiring content.
Awesome photos! Looks like you had a great time!
please upvote, reply, resteem and follow @victorvazco thank you, you're awesome!
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following categories:Congratulations @sweetsssj!
哈哈 好的,支持,欢迎回归啦!
Nice place to visit. I always wonder who take your pictures?
Thanks, a very nice visit indeed! I have a few travel friends who are keen amateur photographers, actually they got me into buying better camera stuffs, otherwise my mum usually fills that roll.
The pig looks so cute!!! I don't want to eat pork anymore! Haha
It's a little tricky regarding eating meat. I'm not quite at the level where I think I can become a Vegan or Vegetarian, but I do feel slight resentment each time I eat meat and think about where it's from.
Yes. I feel the resentment each time I have pork on the table but it is just too delicious to resist. I'm torn apart. Hahaha
Thank you sweetsssj for your honest comment. This is a major reason to why I want to review my diet.
It's quite a problem for me because I was brought up eating meat, and a lot of pork which is the staple meat in many Chinese dishes. Now that i'm older, and am aware of how the meat industry works, i'm literally feeling guilty every time I eat meat.
I know dear, I´ve been cutting down on meat heavily and conscience way forward is an area of life that needs to be incorporated on a planetary level, in various areas of life.
Wow, nice!
thank you!
This is just too good! Great shots of the pigs!!! Imagine if the population of the pigs rose. It could be hundreds or thousands of pigs doing there thing...then people could not even go there are be MAULED! One day maybe! Great PICS!!!
I would guess that maybe the island doesn't have enough food for that many pigs to survive.. but with so many tourists feeding them food, that might be possible.. I don't know.. But thanks!
Nice post!! I followed you