Summer in Australia - A Summary of My Four Months Here

in #travel8 years ago (edited)

I'm not going to lie, I miss Norway and my family a lot. But I truly enjoy the Australian summer, although I struggle with the heat. I've been in Australia for four months now and it keeps getting better and better.

Today I went for a walk, don't ask me why, because it was one of the hottest days this week.
I have recently moved from Manly Beach to an area called Fairlight. This is just 16 minutes by ferry away from Sydney.

I haven't explored my new neighbourhood much, so I decided to do it today. There's a beautiful harbor here and huge park. While you walk along the ocean, there are many tiny beaches everywhere. And there is also a bigger one called Fairlight beach. On this beach there is an awesome saltwater pool that I love. (No sharks.)

I was lucky enough to find a tiny beach where there were no people, so I decided to enjoy the sun there for a while.
The sun is were strong here, so I don't even leave the house withouth SPF 50! Gotta take care of my Norwegian skin..

The experience I've had here in Australia has been amazing. I'm so proud of myself and I'm glad I did this.
I was actually very hard to make new friends when you come to a new country all by yourself. I was living alone and I wasn't working either. But finally, after four months here, I can say that I have made a couple of friends and I've even met some people that I think will be my friends for a very long time. YAY!

Spending New Years Eve here was pretty cool. I watched the fireworks with friends and I had a moment where I stood by myself, all teared up, and thought "WOW, I really did this".

Step out of your comfort zone and good things will happen!

Have you been to Australia? How did you like it? 



Totally agree! Get out of that comfort zone! :)

It's SO important. Too bad I didn't discover the imporantce of that sooner in life.

I have been to Oz, stayed in Manly in fact with a couple of ex- Capetonians. I enjoyed it and if I had not had young kids at home (divorced) ..I would have spent a few years there.
How did you manage to get a visa? No money no job?

Oh cool! Manly is amazing, I love it here.

I got a working holliday visa. I can stay here for one year and I don't have to work. I don't work here, but I never said I didn't have money.. ? :)

Lol, fair enough about the money comment {smile}

Congrats on making that leap!
It's not an easy one but is always worth it in the end. I made a similar move a few years ago where I relocated to Alaska (climate similar to Norway!) after growing up in sunny Southern California my whole life. It was scary at first but now I love it here.

Thank you. It's very much wort it for me. This will be a time I will rememeber forever.
Alaska? Sounds awesome. Are you still there? Must be a temperature shock for you. Ha ha

Hahaha it indeed was a shock! But after a cold and dark winter I adjusted. Now I actually enjoy the winters here. I will be up here for another 3 weeks, then I'm off to Chile for graduate school. Another adventure!

great job..

Thank you!

Congrats to you for pursuing your dreams! Following, upvoting and sending you good vibes from my adopted home here in Norway! Følg med bloggen min om du vil få påminnelser av Norge :)

That is very much appreciated. Do you live in Norway? Cool! In more was than one...
I will definitely follow you then.

Tusen takk @susanne! Ja, jeg har bodd her i nesten ett og et halvt år. Og ja, jeg elsker dette landet ;-)

Look forward to seeing you around on here!

Enjoyed your story again @susanne. See you again :)

I'm glad you liked it. See you around :)

You miss home, though, right?

Well, if you scroll back up and read my first sentence again, you'll get that answer :)
But yes, I miss it a lot. I miss my friends, my family, my own place, my grandma and the Norwegian food!

Of course! (feeling foolish).

I love this snippet of your life ... and I didn't know this about you so that was a bonus. You are a brave girl...! I love that first picture I'm guessing is you.....what kind of photo app did you use....I love the technique.

Thank you! That is me and I made it on an app called Enlight. Thanks for all the kind words.

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