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RE: Traveling around the world is my dream

in #travel7 years ago

Yup they lived there during the khmer ruge, my mum was heavily pregnant with my sister at the time and still had to work hard long hours, all for a small bowl of rice. They did lose some siblings through the war. There was even a photo I saw of the torture/humiliation before death of my mum's family member. Where they placed the him between two wooden planks that had holes for your neck and wrists. Then they put the planks together and locked it and made you walk the streets to say goodbye to your family.

Anyways, on the a lighter note, my dad is half Cambodian and half Chinese. My mum I thought was full Cambodian, but I found out a few months ago she is half Chinese and half Vietnamese but she was raised in Cambodia and she speaks Khmer. She learnt to speak a Chinese dialect through my dad whilst bringing us kids up. I do hope to visit Battambang one day. I want to go with my parents so they can show me around tell me stories of their past. But my mum doesn't want to travel much anymore because she gets tired and sore. Maybe one day she will change her mind.