Thank-you so much for this post! It seems you've written another great chapter to your Kindle (KDP) e-book.
LOL...go to” chocolate; if I’m happy “go to” orange creams; if I’m sad “go to” orange creams.
This is one of those posts, where vicariously I have had an opportunity to experience something new: a private chocolate-making lesson. I'll bet these trumped Godivas.
Again, many thanks!
Btw, it's always fascinating to see how through the years, a married couple appears to take on a melding of sorts, where if you were to pick their spouse in a room, it would be easy because they have a unique likeness of sorts in features. Now, if you tell me the gent is a total theory becomes unfounded.
Again, thanks so much.
Roger is my husband of 41 I guess we can take him out of the "total stranger" category LOL. You are the first to "see" our "melding". Since he is one of the kindest people I know, that indeed is a high compliment. Thank you again for you meaningful words! Peaceoh @spiritalmatters you have done that thing you do so well...made me feel warm , fuzzy and valued. I hope you understand how deeply your kind words are received. I have to admit I do think about your encouragement to publish that e-book. See how you may have changed my life!
Awwww....You, too have the God-gift of transference of emotion in writing. :+)
Journeying with the same someone for 41 years probably makes you quite the marriage mentor...What a mega blessing!
No worries, you will know when it's time to upload the e-book.