Hello to all on this occasion I come to introduce you to my new proposal that I've been doing with my friend Edward. Create a travel agency based in criptomonedas payments, that is, due to the constant change in the world, you have to adapt to these changes offered by the new technologies and to facilitate our work, that is why I would like to present our project called:
A page that will serve for the acquisition of tourist packages in payment of all types of criptomonedas from any part of the world.We are already working in the marketing to offer these packages.
Because this project? As work in the tourist area i have the ease of contact to my city and its as babysitter to present this project, in fact I've already presented this proposal to several hotels and only two hotels reacted positively and are willing to work with us. This encourages us to continue working on this project.
The good news is that we already have the domain web http://www.marketeventosdigital.com.ve/ And the hosting is very limited and we are in the construction of the page, but this project we are going to bring first Beta version and as fence growing we will modify the page to expand the housing.
We also created a page of facebook https://www.facebook.com/MarketEventosDigital/ To see that we are already advanced.
To conclude we have to adapt to the changes, in addition, it is necessary to innovate in order to continue to grow and be large emprendores, and never to be conformists. dale link to the links and see how we are starting to innovate. Greetings

This is indeed a really good idea! As cryptocurrencies become more popular and life becomes more connected, there is a future for this.
Some businesses are starting to accept BitCoin as a valid means of payment, perhaps this method of travel could work well by doing promotion deals with those businesses? Perhaps even incentivise more such business?
I will follow and share.
totally agree
thank bro! @renijra
I really hope that this will not be the only idea proposed. This for me is my inspiration and I hope it will inspire others to think like us. @business-trail