Hwa Sung means splendid fortress.
My mom guided me to the Main Gate of Hwa Sung in the name of Jang An Mun which meant Long Peace Gate literally.
She have visited Hwa Sung several times to sketch for her drawing.
So she knows everyplace in Hwa Sung. She was an expert in Hwa Sung.
For me, it was second time to visit here.
She leaded me to the most splendid place in Hwa Sung.
It was a main gate of this fortress.
It was two story wooden building on the stone wall.
It seemed to be well designed.
I could feel the glory of King Jung Jo
I could see the main gate far away. The gate looked to have a dignity of King
I came closer to the gate and took some photos of the decorations.
There was a wall protecting main gate with round shape.
I walked along that protecting wall.
I did not know that your mom is an artist too, offcourse she must know each and everyplace of the Hwa Sung. Because an artist always a very deep eye to sketch the things in an exact way.
Thank you so much for the archaeological content and deep information about the wonderful fort.
Pay my regards to your mom @slowwalker :)
Thank you so much for warm word
A place with historical taste.
nice !
Excellent photography !!! thanks for image of ancient civilization
A very beautiful place and very beautiful photographs dear. Though your mom is with you, it brings you lots of joy and happiness together. Thanks for sharing your wonderful moments of life.
Yes, it is great pleasure to travel with my mom
Beautiful place, great post @slowwalker ..
so beaty
Fine shots, how many stories will be stored between those walls?, Impressive
I do not know what to say, you always have time for a fun trip and I am impressed with the atmosphere and places in Korea @slowwalker
Thank you so much
Great place! I would like to go one day. Thanks for share with us because I had no idea about this place. I invite you to read the first chapter of my book.
You are a writer ?
That's great
Thanks! yes I try. Writting is my passion, and I decide publish in steemit my first book. If yoiu feel like read it, follow me! I will follow you too. :)
Wow beautiful pictures! It must have been amazing to visit a place with so much history and architecture. Thanks for sharing!
a beautiful place@slowwalker
어머니께서 그림을 그리시기 위해 자주 다니셨던 곳이라니 많이도 애정하시는 곳인가 봅니다
재봉과 그림 참 손재주가 뛰어나신 어르신 입니다
사진속 건물과 성벽이 보여주는 아름다움에 저도 빠져봅니다
역사책에서 정조대왕의 화성 능행차

하시던 그림이 떠올라 찾아봤답니다^^
다음에 관련된 포스팅 하셔도 뜻깊을것 같습니다
넘 자랑스런 포스팅입니다
excellent as always..and thank you for your support..
Thank you
Amazing architectural work. Did it take a long time to build this magnificent structure ?
Great photos my friend! I invite you to visit my profile and see what you think of my photographs. Regards!
The architecture is incredible. I want to visit it someday.
Really nice pictures. Great to see one of the historic places.
Wow, Nice post,,, @slowwalker... Good posting
No wonder the place is indeed beautiful !
Reminds me of the Chinese movies where they show places like this !
awesome.....follow me
I love travel.
Wow Cho misses Asialand very much
What I love in that buildings are the roofs of it. The kind of waves in it. I see, that they make a mash wire on it, I think, that no bird will fly inside and make it dirty or built a nest there. Do you see in the Shops the birds nest to eat @slowwalker? Because when I was in Kambodscha and Malaysia, there , the Chinese people sold birds nest for high price. It should be for healthy.... I just saw it in the shop but never bought once....Maybe Korean have same birds nest ?
Yes, exactly right, a mash wire was set to protect the birds.
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Excelentes fotografías...
The Fortress gate is incredibly massive, it's no wonder that it could stand the test of time. It looks like it is maintained really well, with that I will not be surprised if it will last for another more centuries.
It's great to learn about Hwa Sung from your pictures and descriptions of it.
there is very excellent and good job so amazing post man and thanks for sharing .
한국의 멋진 모습을 멋진사진으로 보게되니 뿌듯합니다
I see articles and photos on your post, have a historical, education, and cultural value of an area. This post is certainly very interesting to add insight in the field of history.
If you do not mind, I will resteem this post in my account. Thanks.
Date:April, 3, 2018Helloo @slowwalker Me, @menulissejarah (writing history)
Saya melihat artikel dan foto pada postingan milikmu, memiliki nilai sejarah, pendidikan, dan budaya suatu daerah. Postingan ini tentunya sangat menarik untuk menambah wawasan di bidang ilmu sejarah.
Jika kamu tidak keberatan, saya akan resteem postingan ini di akun saya. Terima kasih.
Tanggal: 3 April 2018Helloo @slowwalker Saya, @menulissejarah (#menulissejarah)
Your post was mentioned in the Steemit Hit Parade in the following category:Congratulations @slowwalker!
I love this culture. Wish to viist place like this :))
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