There exit the unexpected great persons in history. The rainy day made us find the one of the great man at the gallery in the name of Dumoak.
For several month ago, one of my friend recommended to visit Kimyounggap Gallery.
So I suggested my mom and colleagues to go to that Photo gallery.
Stooping by photo gallery was not bad option in that rainy day.
Gallery was far from the caffe 901.
After one hour riding, we got to arrive at the gallery dumoak.
The photographer “Kimyounggap” was got to be famous after his death of Lou Gehrig disease.
He died in 2005 at the age of 48 years old.
He had took the photos until he died and made the gallery.
He didn’t get married and dedicated himself for the photo of Jeju island.
The photos he had took were estimated more than 200,000, mostly about the panoramic scenery of Mt. Hanra.
The name of gallery “Dumoak” is an old local name of Mt. Hanra.
When entering into the gallery, the garden was waiting for us. It was a beautiful garden.
Only with This garden it was worth for dropping by.
But more impressive things in the garden were lots of sculptures. Those soil sculptures suited this gallery.
It was banned to take the photos of inside of the gallery.
But the atmosphere of the garden looks like enough to introduce the galllery.
It was very nice place to take a rest for a while.
I bought his photo book and presented mom for her drawing.
Kimyounggap’s Dumoak gallery was the best place in this visit to Jeju, we are all satisfied with this gallery.
You can find the natural beauty of Jeju and have a contact with the soul of the great.
In the second picture trees make shelter which looks very stunning. The interesting fact is that this is natural.
It is nice to see the garden near the gallery with Kimyounggap works in it @slowwalker it is also sad that he died with an awful disease because he is an artist. Now although we can't photograph the things in the gallery, I know that they have their reasons. But it should be better if the garden has some tables or chairs around it so people could rest while admiring the beautiful surroundings at Dumoak.
there was a place to take a rest
How did he die @slowwalker? Just curious. He is so young and devoted his time in nature. It is seldom we can find a man like him.
It is so unfortunate that the one who was born to be in true love with the nature, with a mission to capture its sheer beauty and share with the world, merged back with the nature at such an early age. Sad!!!
Though, nature has its own way to make these unsung heroes famous/popular, by showcasing the creativity they had crafted with their hands, in its own unique way and make then immortal and in the memories of the admirers, forever & ever !
Thank you so much! @slowwalker for sharing this remarkably wonderful post! and those beautiful captures!!!
Best Regards!
Thank you for your thoughtful comment
A lovely photo essay today, @slowwalker.
There is something mystical and inviting in a private garden, especially one filled with so many unique pieces of art.
The soil sculptures are perfectly suited to this place and every one tells a story.
It was sad to learn about the short life of this photographer, but the sculptures seem imbued with his spirit.
Almost every object d'art summoned up an aspect of the artist's personality, so in some way he lives on in beautiful natural setting, reminiscent of the island he loved.
A beautiful tour, my friend :)
Thank you for your thoughtful comment
Even worse Lou Gehrig is ALS right? A very shitty and painful death. Poor man must have felt really bad unable to go outside into the nature and take pictures in his final years. I think this pained his heart the most about his autoimmune disease.
yes, Lou Gehrig is so painful not only the patients but also the families.
Buenas fotografías
다음 제주도 방문시에는 이곳 김영갑 갤러리를 꼭 방문해보고 싶어졌어요
폐교를 거닐면서 추억에 젖고 앙증맞은 조각들을 보며 산책하고 한 사람의 사진작가가 제주를 껴안고 살아온 얘기등
제주도는 살고 있는 사람은 모르겠지만 저같은 경우엔 정말 한달이든 1년이든 살다오고 싶은 곳이더군요
새로운 곳을 알게 되어 기뻐요^^!
제주도의 소금체취장소에서 찍은 파란바다와 하늘 ~*
제주 좋은 곳이지요
저도 한번 살아 보고 싶습니다
Hi. beautiful landscapes. It's a pity that you can not take pictures of the gallery. I think we have to change the rules. Showing works by advertising media or social networks would be splendid.
It happened to me these days in Maracay - Venezuela. They did not let me take pictures of the Plaza Bolívar that was restored and is a monument. Is prohibited.
Congratulations for living the experience of walking through the gardens and getting to know the gallery.
This jeju report it really exclusive to you @slowwalker and I like the way you present and upload them on your blog. This is commendable I hope the jeju people will recognize your hard work in projecting and promoting their culture and traditions to the world . Great boss. @slowwaker best of regards
Thank you so much
You’re welcome buddy
I am resteemit your post.
Very amazing travel and photography..... best of luckHi @slowwalker
Thank you so much
Interesting ride! The statue of the Lord with the camera caught my attention, Very curious!
waw amizing photograph
R.I.P Kimyounggap
AWEsome ... .^^.
thanks for the very good historical information friends
A very enjoyable trip, with the camera I really like,
Yes, thank you
dumoak now lives history, he is a great photography. this is a beautiful trip
That was a lovely photos of Him..
Well done..R.I.P Kimyounggap
Wow,this photos looks amazing.i think you had great moment of seeing #Kimyounggap’s gallery.
Yes, that's right
some of those sculptures look really scary lol. But once again the pictures are killing it :) awesome job :)
내부사진도 참 궁금해집니다...
정말 제주의 아름다움이 전달이 되는 것 같습니다..ㅎㅎ
저도 김영갑 님에 대해서 한번 검색해볼 필요가 있을 것같네요
좋은 글 감사합니다 슬로우워커님~
한번 가보시면 좋아 하실 겁니다
괜스레 설레집니다 ㅎㅎㅎ
슬로워커님이 댓글달아주시니 아침에 스윽 웃으면서 출근하게되네요~^^ 감사합니다.
photography is very nice and beautiful @slowwalker
the scenery is very beautiful with gardens and statues that are still preserved its sustainability.thanks
제주는 출장으로 여러번 갔었는데 ....
나중에는 꼭 여행으로 가고 싶습니다.
very rare thing life dedication to one thing, that's how you reach mastery
The beauty of the garden is jaw-dropping.
I really want to go to two Dumoak gallery
Though I am not good at English,
Because I like your writing
I'll come over often to see your writing.
Have a happy day^^
Thank you so much for your stopping by
You have greatly portrayed him :
wowwww. Incredible my friend. I really like your photos @slowwalker ... You are one of the best Photography senior @slowwalker
Beautiful photo.... I'll follow you. Please come to my blog occasionally;)
Every thing is amazing i just want to travel here and want to enjoy all these beauties.
touching story and great photos full of inner power.
아름다운 사진들이네요...^^
Kim Young Gap was a very talented young artist that was taken from us way too soon. I am glad you got to see his work, enjoy his garden and perhaps were able to take away a good experience from it all.
The gardens look stunning and it looks like your mother had a very nice time. There obviously was much satisfaction.
Thank you so much
great post my dear friend
The park looks calm and peaceful, many ground sculptures are located in several different places, I was curious about the idea of the sculpture maker @slowwalker, some statues look twins and there are also long legs and arms. This includes great art in the past.
I am also curious about his/her ideas
미리 보는 갤러리.
잘 보았어요.
Beautiful garden/gallery. That first shot you took is so glorious how the trees make a tunnel like path. Thanks for sharing @slowwalker and so nice to buy that for your Mom ;)
Btw, really a tragic end for that artist with a horrible disease as ALS. I have had family friends get it and such a ravishing disease !
Yes, it is a horrible disease
Honestly,, it's great picture, very nice. Great dedication in photography.
Thank you
Thank you for telling me about your friend.
Amazing landscape.
Interesting place. Beautiful photos, @slowwalker
With respect, @singa
I know a little, but not this much... Thank you for this post and you seem to be pretty fast for a slow fella. 😃😃😃
I'm still mastering my ikigai
Splendid post sir
The photographs are awesome, look like a story is in front of us this is indeed a one of a kind creation.
Some of the sculptures appear to be made of porous lava rock, (scoria), some in stone and some in clay, is that right?
amazing click i really love this pic where is garden?
Nice shots. lovely colors. Love the light and the shaprness. Thnx for sharing. Followed and upvoted!
He departed too young. Seriously..
Your post was mentioned in the Steemit Hit Parade in the following category:Congratulations @slowwalker!
It´s AMAZING place!!!! i like you post!!!! thanks for sharing it with us