Happy Holi from @SirCork on location, in Kolkata India!

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Hey Again, Steemitizens

Some say he walks the kolkata slums alone.

Some say he has super coconuts...

We call him...
"The American"

Surrounded by kids in the slums just a few blocks walk from my guesthouse

The matches I was given when I asked the kids for a light for a cigarette

Check out the angry guy in the back. Hahaha, guess he is having a bad day :D

The children surrounded me with squirt guns... filled with colors, this place is going crazy today!

I am having trouble uploading pics here on this net speed. I will post more later, I have some amazing shots to share!

I know, I know, I said I was going to blog every day from the road.




I left home last Friday from Richmond, Virginia, USA, stopped to change planes in Philidelphia, Pennsylvania and then was off to the Netherlands to meet @poeticsnake!

Two days there saw me jumping a jet and landing in Abu Dhabi U.A.E. where I met up with @funshel for a fantastic day of siteseeing around the city.

Then I made the leap over to Kolkata India, where I am now.

The whirlwind nature of the stops, has left me never having enough time to fully charge my devices and Im filling my phone and cameras with photos and my mind and heart with stories to tell for years to come.

Unfortunately though, internet in airports and guest houses is as sketchy as electricity itself in India so I am way far behind in getting the fun stuff to posts here as soon as I would prefer.

I will be posting some epic stuff in the days to come, so keep an eye on my blog. You simply won't believe some of the amazing things, the hilarious things and the heart warming, tear jerking things that I have seen and experienced along this amazing journey.

For now, I once again, find myself in a hurry and no time to post a solid post beyond this quick note.

I am alive, healthy, and enjoying the heck out of this trip. The people of the world are incredible.

There will be much more to come so watch this space!!!!!!!!!!!


From the road, from the heart,

Yours in service,
Witness #73
Founder @YouAreHOPE Foundation
Founder @SteemStar Network

PS: Sorry I missed my two broadcast slots this week, and I wouldn't hold your breath that I will be live this week either. My shows will return, once I have returned to the land of solid high speed internet by March 12th.

I miss you all, love you all, and I'll see you.... on the road.


Thats fantastic journey but while you leave me behind in lagos nigeria. When you return you will answer your quarrel looz.
Enjoy buddy.

One love

I will not quarrel with you brother, but look on the bright side. These people got Sir Cork in 5 countries for 18 days. Just a few days each. When I come to Nigeria, I will give you the whole 2 weeks :D Just give me a year or two to replace all the money Ive spent this time! :D I better get busy posting to earn money on this cool website someone told me about, called steemit.com where you can get rich with a sentence! :D

hahaha Love you man, One love always!

Wow...what a honour i cant wait lolzzz....but the truth is i have to wait lolzz

One love

Wow this is epic I saw the picture with @poeticsnake it was amazing really I think you've spread the tentacles of loves to these places, and wow India that's also a nice stop, we over in Nigeria will be hoping for you to grace us here with your presence it will be wonderful @sircork long live @youareHope

I am definitely coming to Nigeria, Ghana and S.A. in the next two years, I just spent all my money for now :)

Certainly sir, well I was even thinking of raising money to attend steemfest this year too, i really wish you well in all your endeavors

i like your post, good luck

Thank you

your welcome

Wow awesome! Looking forward to hearing more about your travels. <3

Some of the stories are more epic that I could have EVER imagined. Stay tuned, my dear. Stay tuned...

Wow.. @sircork...enjoy your holidays to the fullest. Sometimes it is good to take sometime off regular work and explore the world. That's quite what your doing and it is so in order.

Traveling to different places to specifically meet Steemian is also a good of building solid relationship. Kudos to you and do have a wonderful stay.

@eurogee of @euronation community

India for ten more days, Hong Kong and Macau still wait my arrival!

I am very blessed, fortunate and humbled by this experience. I cannot wait to get to solid internet and share all the amazing things and images of this journey!

Glad to see you made it there safely. Have a jolly spiffing time...

Spiffing as suggested Sir, spiffing quite handily and dandily :)

Happy Holi... And yeah as you said it's gonna be crazyyyyyyy... Enjoy the festival and keep us updated with your pics... 🎊🌟🌸


What part of India are you from?

You are having the time of your life! Not in traveling, but in meeting these folks that you help. The old Sarge has a tear in his eye after seeing that picture. G-D bless you and all of those folks.

Not a world traveler like you @sircork, but I will be in Boston this weekend for a STEEM meetup. Just a train, not a plane (thank G-D).

Be safe. With much respect, appreciation and prayers for traveling mercies; I am


~ Riding that train, high on your brain :D Sargent Dan you better, watch your speeeeed! ~


Miss you, believe it or not :P

Yeah, miss you too. We still ain't swapping spit in the shower.

Love you man. Be safe. You got our prayers.

amazing @sircork ...

when do you travel to my city in ACEH city ever happened TSUNAMI disaster in aceh on 26 december 2004 ...

I will be in Hong Kong and Macau next week, but for the moment, that is as close as I am able to get during this journey.

hehehhe ,,,,@sircork
i hope the same you if in this year or in the near future can not come to aceh to see child aceh then if you have chance then come lah next year ,,, me and land of aceh open for you come ,,

Sweet travels my friend I need to get back on the road again was in Chicago and New York a few weeks ago and enjoyed the travel , meet steemians and blog process

"The blog process" is not quite the same in Kolkata as in the windy city or the big apple. :D But it's a challenge I'm willing to take on!

Hope you are well "son" - don't be such a damn stranger!

Sorry for being a stranger aint much on the dischord chat for starters and I know you aint on there. Hence my stranger status . What is the channel you are on ?

You’re a humanitarian, a leader, a role model, an icon. You charity works had gone beyond boarders, @sircork have a wonderful and safe trip, enjoy all your time out there. Wish I could come with you. Say hi to @poeticsnake and @funshel. We miss you too and we love you equally. Safe @sircork

I am just another man no different from you, but thank you from my heart for the very kind and humbling words.

Bibia Be Ya Ya!

Pop is having fun. Looking to the updates :-)

Pop is having the most significantly life altering experiences of his entire life, son. Love you. Wish you could be right by my side, experiencing all of these things. The magnitude of the things I am seeing, learning and feeling every day with the human family at large around the world as I skip like a rock across the continents is beyond either of our wildest imaginations, and you and I have both have some pretty wild imaginations. It's in our family genes, after all. ;) <3

Lovely!! It is good to know you are having fun in your trip around the world hahahaha.

I will be posting some epic stuff in the days to come, so keep an eye on my blog.

Would love to hear more!!!
Pls be safe.

And hear more you shall, as soon as I can get where photos upload faster than one per million minutes, hahaha.

I will be as safe as possible, but so far, in the first three countries, I have met nothing but love in the eyes of all the world's citizens I have encountered. Life... is so so so good.

Life... is so so so good.
That is true my friend, Ciao.

Glad to hear you are having fun,and to see you smile.
Now I know People are posting in India... so don't be so spoiled!
;-) I want some of that if they can I can attitude.
lol ;-)
Thanks for the update , and get back safely!

I know, I know... :D Getting it done on all counts, sir! Thank you for caring about my safety!

I have said Namaste' about 10000000 times just today :D


(and...100000002 times now :D )

I can imagine the joy and feelings felt meeting kids from the slum, knowing you care about them and trying your best in your own way to help out. Personally happy you’re having the time of your life. Can’t wait to have you fully back here on steemit

So much, so fast... getting these blogs done will be tough, trying not to turn them in a 50 novel series.... :D

This very good of you, keep up with the good work. Resteemed buddy, you are such a nice fellow.

TY! :D

Thanks, Tyrex! I appreciate you my friend!

You welcome and I can't to hear some of the juicy experience meeting some those children with a very poor background.

So good to see that you are having another exciting moment in India. Spending that little time with you means the whole world to me sir. You are a man large heart, a great leader, fun to be with. Massive love for you sir.
Do enjoy your stay in India..... Happy Holi

@Funshel Our first real names share the same first two letters, Em... and our hearts share the same vision all the way through. The day I spent with you and our new buddy/driver, will FOREVER be one of the most important stories of this trip that I both remember and retell.

I can't wait till we do it again somewhere new!

What an amazing opportunity...to travel the world and meet people from different cultures and walks of life. Yeah, that guy in the back looks pissed though! Too funny! Looking forward to seeing more! :)

He cracks me up, and for sure, the gravity and blessing to be able to assemble this trip on my tiny budget are beyond my own comprehension in fact. But here I am, proving ANYone can do ANY thing, eventually. A year or so ago I was unemployed and broke for nearly a year. Before that in 2014, my home burned to the ground and I lost literally everything I owned. And now? Well. Wow. Whoever is in charge "up there" - be it God, or any other deity or energy one might choose to attribute all this too, is surely cradling me in their favor. I am looking forward to posting more, I just need to get settled somewhere without the literal entire world distracting me and get busy writing it all down!

It's amazing what a year can do!! Have you written about your prior state? A little over a year ago I was homeless and living in a shelter with my kids, and I never thought my life would turn back around, but it did! Blessings to you @sircork!! Keep up the great work!! :)

No I don't directly write about it, because in large part it was a choice and not typical of my life in a more meta way, which has mostly been pretty fortunate. That IS a long story, but I have nothing to report that I didn't decide to do, so I can't really complain.

sounds like we're going to see a stream of posts when you get back ... good to see all is going well.

Stream? Try river! I have so much to document. It's actually getting insane how much I am going to forget before I get it all written down... but I need faster net than this for all the photos and such I need to share just to include the ones other steemians are in themselves, not to mention all the more typical tourist and "special moment" stories I have experienced....

You made fantastic journey Mr @sircork
Nice joint you... Hehhe

amazing traveling experience!!! :D btw i love India, i hope that you like a lot this country :D blessings a lot and happy holi!

I was so surprised to see internet is kind of spotty in India! When I was in Kolkata for some reason it reminded me of New York City... I didn't go to the slums though.

I'm sure you had fun at Holi. First time?

Look this is during our honeymoon in the Andaman Islands (if you have a chance to go there, go...you can fly from Kolkata it is so worth it, same as India but so different at the same time!)

Holi Gif 2.gif

Enjoy your time ...following you

neutulong peurno lon. kiban cara supaya meurumpek sbd beule.. terimakasih.. nyo nomor whatshaap lon. 085215975661

Looks like fun brother. But for some reason I think this trip, these experiences, these connections are somehow laying the groundwork, planting seeds, for something new, something amazing. Good travels. Peace to you and yours. Uv resteem

vote back @ichsann

Can you at least say something that makes it look like you at least pretended to read the post?

I beat you to it. Nanananana!

You really are simple in the head are you not? You think you will make friends with that silly comment? Ain't noone voting you back. Go back to a post about the Secrets of Steemit and after reading come back and ask me how to do well here.

Plus, I hate your avatar. You look like the bullies that used to beat me up in school.