
Yep, I agree. Although nowadays there are so many idiots on the road in cars that do stupid things that I think it would be too dangerous to let them lose in flying cars. Now if they could make it some sort of mass transit flying bus system I think that could work.

Think about the cars in the movie The Fifth Element if you've seen that one.

Wait! We have flying cars. It happened 32 years ago.

The flying car in the 1985 documentary, Back To The Future? You know, the one Doc and Marty use at the end of the first one, and all of installment two?



Actually, there's another flying car that precedes this one, from the 1961 science film classic, The Absent Minded Professor. You probably watched it in high school in your Physics class.

Okay, maybe not.

There is hope, though. When I was growing up, I was waiting for Marvel Comic movies to come out. That finally happened, so flying cars can't be that far away, can they?

I've been watching this one off on and on for a while.



Answer to Contest Question: I'd like to say I'd use a flying car for humanitarian reasons or some other nobler cause, but I'd probably primarily use it to buy Egg McMuffins where I live in Western Oregon and then share them with my son and daughter-in-law who live on the east side of Idaho. I could make it there before the food gets cold, right?

Congrats on being the first ever to win in my game! We had a tie for first and lots of consolation prizes :)

contest flying cars (.672 SBD payout)

1 randomwanderings 8 .151
1 themanwithnoname 8 .151
3 nzfxtrader 6 .034
3 carolfung 6 .034
5 lynncoyle1 5 .034
6 cerealface82 4 .034
6 r3v3nan7 4 .034
8 ilovepoorpeople 3 .034
8 glenalbrethsen 3 .034
8 sighmanjestah 3 .034
11 afiqsejuk 2 .034
12 crazycryptoworld 2 .034
13 midnighterza 2 .034

This is where I give my long and overwrought acceptance speech right? Okay, I'll spare you all, considering it wasn't first place. :) Congratulations to @randomwanderings and @themanwithnoname!

haha I want to hear it ... And I also want to hear what you're going to do with all that cash you just won??? Anything special you are earmarking it for?

Well, a flying car of course!

Actually, I'm hodling it to the moon, as the kids would say.

Or something like that.