With all the storms we have been having lately it was time to go for a wander in the woods and see how the river was running and check out some other things.
I traveled up to the northern part of Goldstream Park to see the waterfall. It was amazing the rush or water from the falls, the foam it was creating and the mist floating in the air. So magical.
Thanks for reading.
For more stories and photos - http://www.scottstevensonphotography.ca/
I go walks down the river Kelvin (Glasgow) most day it helps clear your mind.
A Walk in the Woods offers a variety of hikes for all interest and skill levels..
Isn't it true ..??
What you think...!!?
Thanks for share this post...
I love it so much...
Specially the photography.. @scottdphoto
really special it is. Nice bnw photography of nature. upvoted
Beautiful photos, just looking at them causes you to be there. Greetings.
That B&W one is a belter! :)
Really like the cover image, looks like such an impressive place!
nice topicfriend,good luck
Those are some great pictures of the mother nature!
Wow, that opening photo sucked me in, what a fantastic shot, pure motivation to get out of the city and into the palms of mother nature!
It's so pretty there, I can almost smell the green and water. We have a creek next to us, but it is generally fairly dry (Colorado Rockies)
nice pictures especially the last one, I really love everything about nature
Beautiful. Calming.