The presentation
The presentation of the objects takes a lot of getting used to. In the individual boxes and showcases objects of different cultures are mixed, without my understanding of the meaning. Therefore, I have completely omitted the reading of the texts, which are placed very small and multilingual on glass surfaces in front of the objects. The study of special people is thus an unworkable venture and I have limited myself to the viewing.
Die Präsentation
Die Präsentation der Objekte ist sehr gewöhnungsbedürftig. In den einzelnen Vitrinen und Schaukästen finden sich Objekte verschiedener Kulturen bunt gemischt, ohne daß mir der Sinn dahinter bewußt wurde. Daher habe ich auch völlig auf das Lesen der Texte, die sehr klein und mehrsprachig auf Glasflächen vor den Objekten plaziert sind verzichtet. Das Studium eines Volkes ist somit ein nicht durchführbares Unterfangen und ich habe mich auf das Betrachten beschränkt.
Jewelry from the sea / Schmuck aus dem Meer
Shell money / Muschelgeld
Headrests / Kopfstützen
End of the second part, all photos are in 4000x3000 pixel resolution.
Ende des zweiten Teils, alle Fotos sind in 4000x3000 Pixel Auflösung.
Bis nächstes Mal! / See you next time!
Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit! / Thank you for your attention!
Original content by @schamangerbert
Schaman Gerbert
wonderful museum. i like so much it....
The history of mankind is plenty of amazing surprises. Thanks for showing us a little bit of this. Good pics and I follow you my friend!!!!
Every word of your mind, you wrote very well. Hopefully you'll be giving us a good post like this.
I would like to say you keep it up and well done.
wow, nice Museum, excellent photography!
Each one of those pieces has so much history, impossible to write in a short text.
extraordinary pictures, what a beautiful museum !!
What a fantastic inside museum photo shots you upload here @schamangerbert. Jewelry designs and shell money designs impressive and amazing. Headrests style unbelievable. Totally awesome blog.
Amazing collection of objects from many countries! The wooden carving are exquisite. The shell jewelries are very fashionable nowadays too.
Thank you for this report!
that jewellery was too amazing to see incredible it is :D
Headrests are really interesting to look at wow nice design :)
great museum this one is many historical things are there
beautifully preserved still this is very nice to see from the past
the jewelry was like in the black panther movie so cool
Sehr schöne Bilder, die Ketten finde ich besonders interessant.
Eins muss gesagt sein... das ist mit unter die schönste Vitrine die ich je gesehen habe XD