It's funny about wind turbines, I never hear people complaining about power pylons (there are some in the pictures); they are far more ugly and much more dangerous. I don't know about the birds, but turbines move pretty slowly, if birds can't fly past them then it seems a bit odd to me. I saw a statistic the other day that cats kill millions more birds than wind turbines do; who knows the truth on that one...
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I'm, usually, the only one in a group that hates those. (Hate is a strong word. I know they are necessary, for now.) I try not to say too much to further the tinfoil hat rating I already have with friends and family! hehe. However... Since you brought in up. :) There are medical studies that plot cancer instances geographically. There is at least one study (I would reference but don't remember where I saw it years ago) that showed the instances of cancer, clearly, traced the paths of the high tension power lines in populated areas. I have, ever since, avoided living anywhere near them. The effect diminishes rapidly with distance. So I usually allow, approximately, half a mile buffer either side as a "don't live there" zone. More if you have the options.
But... the truth is hard to discern. I just listen to as much as I can and make the best, somewhat educated, attempt to chose the best options as they come up.
The wind turbines are up for debate... but the cats stay! I like 'em! ;)