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RE: Taking a Toddler on a Long Haul Flight – Survival Tips!

in #travel7 years ago

Ahh this is a brilliant post. I saw the title and thought "OMG, its a must read!" As i am also going on a long haul flight in just two weeks time WITH AN 11MONTH OLD!!! Ahhh.. it is a family wedding in St Lucia, so would be rude not to attend hey? Our little one will be spending his first birthday there, so a bit younger than your Mini Me 3, however flight times are near enough exactly the same as yours. We have already been on two medium haul holidays since he was born, but this one will for sure be a test haha. Bonus is that there will be about 18 family members on the same flight, so am hoping he won't mind going from lap-to-lap. Pray for me! I've taken your tips on board and will let you know how we got on. Wish us luck!!! 😂


At least your little one has been on a plane before, that’s a good start. It’s great that you will have family on the same flight! You can play pass the baby which will kill some time and give you a break. Let me know how it goes! Wishing you a lovely holiday x