Study Tour To Bandung, West Java Province

in #travel2 years ago

here .Good evening Ecency friends, how are you all? Hope you are healthy and keep the spirit! Tonight I want to continue my post which was delayed a few months ago about my experience with my daughter Zahra Fitriansya @frianz13 on a tour to Bandung, West Java province, Indonesia. The post can be viewed again

Due to my busy schedule as a housewife, coupled with continuous network problems and the photo gallery on my smartphone is already full, it makes me less motivated to make posts. Alhamdulillah now I'm back in the spirit and want to continue my story at that time on Thursday, November 4, 2021. Here are some photos of me when I joined my daughter @frianz13 on a study tour to Pengalengan, Bandung, West Java province:

I @santiintan and her sister Zahra, Jeane Meta Sapphira, my third child, took a photo in front of the rafting tour board in Cileunca lake, Pengalengan, Bandung, West Java province. My first child Zahra Fitriansya is changing costumes getting ready to start rafting.

Meta is meeting her sister Zahra who is getting ready to go rafting with her school friends. Meta offers prayers and support for Zahra to be brave and enthusiastic.

Some of Zahra's school friends and several teachers were taking pictures together while queuing for their turn for rafting.

The scenery around the rafting location, Cileunca lake, Pengalengan, Bandung is very beautiful and good for taking pictures. I didn't want to miss the opportunity to take a selfie while Meta was engrossed in the sights around the location.

Maybe the view at night will be even more beautiful especially with the garden lights behind me. Unfortunately only until noon we were at the rafting location because after the rafting we would continue our journey to other tourist attractions, namely to Wayang Windu, Panenjoan, Bandung. I will post it another day.

here .I only had time to take pictures of my daughter Zahra Fitriansya @frianz13 when I started rafting. Zahra is in a red inflatable boat, wearing a white long-sleeved shirt, wearing a blue helmet. Zahra sat in the third row from the front. Furthermore, photos of the trip when Zahra and her friends were rafting were immortalized by the rafting instructor. You can see some photos

I had a chance to take a picture with my child's English teacher, Mrs. Lisna, who was kind and friendly. Mrs. Lisna did not join the rafting because she was dizzy due to a long trip on the bus. She was kind enough to help look after his students' bags and supplies while rafting.

This is the story of my experience with my daughter on a study tour to Pengalengan, Bandung, West Java province. The study tour was held by the school, SMP (Junior High School) Asaba, Sawah Indah village, Bojonggede sub-district, Bogor, West Java province. Thank you for reading my post, sorry if there are many shortcomings. Next time I will continue my story. Good night and have a good rest.


Liburan yang menyenangkan ya kak

Halo kak Santi, postinganmu telah dikurasi secara manual oleh tim Indonesianhiver sebagai postingan kelompok temuan kurator. Saat ini kami sedang membangun proyek kurasi lintas komunitas utk membantu berkembangnya blogger Indonesia.
Yuk bergabung agar nilai kurasi untuk Bapak dan blogger indonesia lainnya semakin besar.

Terima kasihTata caranya ada di sini ya kak @indonesianhiver/proyek-kurasi-indonesian-hiver ; tapi karena HP nya masih kecil, kakak bisa follow akun kami dulu aja :)

Terima kasih @indonesianhiver 🙏☺️

Saya kok dipanggil bapak? 😁

Hehe, maaf ibu, salah fokus :)