- Cebu City, Philippines 2018
One of the highlights of my life!! I couldn't even believe I was dancing with these Sea Gods!
I remember just being in the moment and majestically admiring them...watching these beautiful creatures graciously floating underwater.
I was honestly extremely frighten by there mass appearances when I first jumped in the ocean. They were absolutely giants! Prob weight at least 30,000 - 35,000 lbs and up to 20-25 ft long.
When I came to realization after I had a close encounter with one of them, they were just totally gentle creatures and love being around with humans. Simply breathtaking!
(Me, being absolutely stun by them... haha)
Gorgeous sunrise I captured around 5am before we went Whale Shark hunting :D
I wish I was able to capture more photos, but it was pretty challenging trying to survive underwater while taking photos haha.
Thank you so much friends for taking your time and reading these beautiful moments of mine! I really appreciate it. If you like it and would love to continue watching my journey. Please upvote and don't forget to follow me so I can follow you back. I would love to see your journey of blissful experience.
Remember! Be in the moment <3
Wow! What an amazing experience! Nice to meet you! 😊
It was intensifying feeling! Thanks Dewdrop for reading <3. Super pleasure to meet you also!