Recommended Breath-taking Natural Beauty Travel Plan Series #5 : To see the narwhals in the Arctic Bay in June, the only month you can see the narwhals. 推荐绝境旅游计画系列5:六月到北极湾看独角鲸。

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

The iceberg of the arctic CC0 FREE PHOTO. source

This is the fifth article of this series, the natural beauty view I recommend is “to see the narwhal in the Arctic Bay in June, the only month we can see the narwhals.” In this article I will discuss the plan of seeing the the narwhals in the Arctic Bay. This is a plan most people don’t know.

This article will let you know more about that how to travel to Nunavut to see the narwhal in Canada. It is no longer a completely impossible travel dream. It is possible to complete it. It is worth for you to read the article.

CC0 FREE PHOTO. source

You may have the first question: Is narwhal true? Did narwhal actually exist on Earth?

The answer is true, there really are narwhals on earth.

Here is the video of the narwhals in the National Geographic Channel.

Narwhal is a very mysterious animal, and just few people know their existence, not to mention that to see them. So people rarely know about how to see them. It is not easy to search for relevant information, either.

Today we will unveil their mysterious veil. Let the journey of seeing the narwhals be a viable thing.

The following photo is the official website of Arctic Kingdom. The relevant information about going to see narwhal trips is really very rare. This is the website I found for a long time.

Arctic Kingdom official website source

Arktic Kingdom has two kinds of itinerary about seeing the narwhals.
One is the “Great Migrations of the Northwest Passage”, in June, 2018 (this year).

The other is “Narwhal & Polar Bear Safari”, in May and June, 2019 (the next year).

Arctic Kingdom official website-“Great Migrations of the Northwest Passage” source

As the photo above, this the the first itinerary this year “Great Migrations of the Northwest Passage”

The location of this trip is on the Arctic Bay, Nunavut.

arctic bay.png
Google Map-“Search for Arctic Bay” source

We can see the migration of the beluga and narwhals to the summer feeding grounds, and see the view of the floe edge in the Lancaster Sound.

In the trip, we can also see the sea ice opens up, hundreds of bird species, also have the chance to see the polar bear and other wild animals and marine mammals of the arctic.

CC0 FREE PHOTO. source

They only have three tours this year, the date is on May 30, June 6, and June 13. There is eight days in one tour.

So it is the only month in a year for you to see the migration of narwhal and beluga to the summer feeding grounds.

date of narwhal.png
Arctic Kingdom official website-“Great Migrations of the Northwest Passage” source

the video below is the short introduction video about the tour: Great migration of the Northwest Passage.

We will continue to discuss the details in the next post.

The second tour of them is “Narwhal & Polar Bear Safari”

Arctic Kingdom official website-“Narwhal & Polar Bear Safari” source

As the photo shown above, this is the second tour : Narwhal & Polar Bear Safari, only in 2019. About the second tour, we will continue to discuss in the next post.

If you want to see more details, you can go to their official website to do more research.

Arctic Kingdom official website

Since there is not too much sightseeing information about the narwhal and the Nunavut, Here I share the websites that I thought were most important after my study. If you are interested in watching narwhal in Arctic Bay, these websites will give you a favor.

destivation canada.png
Destination Canada official website. source

This is the “Destination Canada” official website, which has some information about the related travel information of Canada, which also has some recommend tour plans of many companies or travel agencies.

You can go to the "Destination Canada" website, and go to the "traveller" page. Find the “ Where To Go “ photo and click the “Nunavut,”

Destination Canada official website. source

After you entering Nunuvut, the information and the tours of the Nunuvut on this page are quite adequate. There are other special tours that can be attended in Nunuvut, for your reference.

Destination Canada official website. source

As the photo shown above, at the same time on this page we will find a tour of Narwhal, "Narwhal & Polar Bear Safari". If we click this, we will also link to the official website of the Arctic Kingdom, as shown below.

Arctic Kingdom official website source

These websites can offer you a lot of information for your reference.

In the end of the article, I will explain about this series again.

In the "recommend breath-taking natural beauty program", Since my specialty is money management, although I haven't visited most these places, through my research and planning according to a suitable budget, I still can provide a feasible travel plan for your reference.

I will share including how to use less money, convenient transportation, the accommodation costs that are appropriate and not too expensive, and simple, comfortable and meaningful travel itinerary. It will let the feasibility of travel to achieve higher. Let people who have no time or no experience to arrange have more choices, and be sure to set off in the right season.

If you are very interested the tour of the migration of the narwhals, you can also see the Arctic Kingdom’s official introduction video below: The Great Migrations of the Northwest Passage. It is about half an hour.

know more about to see the milky way in Lake Tekapo, Here is the series#1

Welcome your comments, if you like my content, please to upvote, follow and resteem me@rockchlin, thanks.


北极的冰山 CC0 FREE PHOTO. source



CC0 FREE PHOTO. source





下图是Arctic Kingdom的官方网站, 关于去看独角鲸行程的相关资料真的是非常非常的少。这是我搜寻很久才找到的网站。

Arctic Kingdom 官方网站 source

Arktic Kingdom他们有两种关于独角鲸的行程,
一个是西北航道的大迁徙 Great Migrations of the Northwest Passage,在今年2018,
一个是独角鲸与北极熊之旅 Narwhal & Polar Bear Safari,在明年2019。

Arctic Kingdom 官方网站-“西北航道的大迁徙” source


这个行程的地点是在 Arctic Bay, Nunavut

arctic bay.png
Google Map-“Search for Arctic Bay” source


这个行程,还可以看到冰山破裂,数百种鸟类, 也有机会看到北极熊,和其他在北极圈的野生动物和海洋哺乳动物。

CC0 FREE PHOTO. source



date of narwhal.png
Arctic Kingdom 官方网站-“西北航道的大迁徙” source




Arctic Kingdom official website-“Narwhal & Polar Bear Safari” source



Arctic Kingdom 官方网站

由于关于独角鲸跟Nunavut这个地方的观光资讯非常的少,我把我研究后觉得最重要的网站分享在这里,如果你有兴趣到Arctic Bay看独角鲸,这些网站会给你很多的帮助。

destivation canada.png
Destination Canada official website. source

这个是加拿大的Destination Canada官方网站,里面有一些关于加拿大的相关旅程的资讯,里面也有推荐很多公司或旅行社的行程。

我们可以在 Destination Canada 官方网站中,点选Traveller分页,然后在Where To Go 点选Nunavut

Destination Canada official website. source


Destination Canada official website. source

如上图,同时在这页我们就会找到有关于Narwhal的行程 “Narwhal & Polar Bear Safari”,点击就会找到Arctic Kingdom的官方网站,如下图。

Arctic Kingdom 官方网站 source



在" 推荐绝境旅游计画"中,由于我最擅长的专业是金钱管理,所以虽然大多数地方我没有去过,但是透过研究、依照适宜的预算来作计画,我可以提供一个可行的旅行计画供你参考。


如果你非常的有兴趣,可以看Arctic Kingdom他们”西北航道的大迁徙“的官方介绍影片,约半个小时。


欢迎你的回应。如果你喜欢我的内容,请投票及追踪我@rockchlin, 非常感谢。


Enjoy every beauty, because not all of us can enjoy it, and keep thankful. Success is always my best friend.

yes, we can enjoy the beauty around us and keep thankful. thanks for your feedback.