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RE: Noodles For 3 Days

in #travel7 years ago

You know warm soup in the morning can actually be really good for your health.

When your biological clock tells your body to wake up in the morning, it secretes glucocorticoids, which are hormones related to digesting sugar.

How's that related to warm soup?

Well it's targeting sugar 'cause they burn hottest. See, while we sleep our bodies conserve energy and let the digestive tract cool down. But metabolic reactions happen faster if they're warm, so in the morning it wants you to warm your digestive tract so it can start producing energy.

So put some warm starchy broth in there and voila, kick-started metabolism. Extra thick brothed potato soup's one of my favorites.

Good luck surviving without de internet


hehehe yes yes thank you so much for the information, but anyway i dont like noodles to be my breakfast meal. perhaps for vegetables soup will be nice.

yes, i'll online all day long on steemit i guess.