I liked this post! I have a few recommendations for you. First make sure when you write about a place make sure you say what country your in, because then the readers will have some context, and they might want to visit those places you mention.
You should add a little detail about the things you did in those villages! I know I'm curious about the things you saw, the food you ate, the people you met. I want to know a little more about the history of the villages. It doesn't have to be a long bit but it adds more flavor to your post!
Keep up the good work and never be afraid to write at length about everything you experienced: smell, taste, touch, sight! I look forward to seeing more from your travels!
Agreed. Some of the terms you used could have been explained more. I'm not sure what a WARAOS village is, and I'd rather not have to google it. ;) Besides that I enjoyed the post! The photos along with the writing provided a great vibe!
In this article I tried to create a sense of curiosity to find out wich country it is, but i do see your point, and i´ll take it in consideration.
I´d be writing one or two more post about that journey and the WARAOS (that´s where "Ma-jokaraisa" comes from), wich is an ethnic group of indians in the eastern part of Venezuela.
Thanks again!!Thanks a lot @puddinpaws, and @jordanpike. for visiting, reading and for your comments.
You're welcome I look forward to reading the next posts!
Hi @puddinpaws, few days ago I just sent the Part II of the first post, and still working on some other ideas to post later. If you can please review it, thanks a lot!