
Hi pal, it takes a lot of hard work, and a lot of time. Of course, after posting for a year, I'm a lot more efficient than I used to be

I hope you're enjoing doing this. I'm glad, that you are stayed with steem then price was in continious decline. Not all popular authors did that.

I absolutely love it.. that's why I was posting all the same when the price was really low. It's such a great community of positive people. We need to keep the positive energy flowing!

do think following many people even if they're not following me is a fault ?
and what do you think should i do to improve my blog watch it @razux and tell me what should i do to edit my profile and enhance it

i see you Got Experience @sweetsssj so let me take your recommend here:) <3

good comment
Upvote my comment please!♥ @pal